Folksy is running a FB ad,since yesterday it says. Things Are looking up
Yep, saw it yesterday, first time ever something like that appeared on my profile! So fingers crossed
Great! It popped up on my feed just now so I shared it
I’ve just seen this too!! Does anyone know the criteria for been included, plus account, everyone or just items the admin pick
Would be really nice to see some sales from this and more traffic in my shop
Haven’t seen it
Same here !!
I would imagine it will just be whatever Folksy admin choose for it. I havn’t seen it, going on a hunt now
I dont mind not seeing it so long as its reaching lots of non Folksy Sellers not just us.
The 6 items showing to me on one AD are all in Folksy favourites and the other ad is just a pair of knitted socks
You can see the ads here
You can see any ad an FB page is running by checking Page Transparency in the About section, It will tell if they are or are not currently running ads. If they are if you click See All it then lets you click Go To Ad Library~(note not sure you can see the ads by doing this on a phone, i can’t)
PS I see the knitted socks I saw earlier are now a crocheted shawl so it is obviously a moveable feast but the 6 listing first ad still looks same today to me as it did yesterday.
Here it is …
All of which reminds me that I obviously need to run a mini ad of my own as my Folksy views are diabolical and my zero sales reflect this.
Thank you Joy, I came in late last night anď sat up till thr very early hours trying to figure out how to find the fb AD …as I have said many times tech isnt my thing lol…so easy when you know how.
I wonder if the socks sold and so it then replaces that item with th next one x
They are the same items I’ve seen, and the shawl this morning.
To me that looks like there may only be specific items in the ads, I’ve seen it on fb and insta and same items on both
All the items that appeared to me, yesterday & today are the same, and they are all knitted items. That is on FB, as I am not on Insta so cannot tell if they were the same or not
Edit: Just appeared again on my FB and half of the items were different. Don’t know the ins and outs of the ads as I haven’t done any, but I’m pleased at this stage that there is an ad from Folksy
I finally see it yesterday evening and it was all knitted items.
Ha that made me chuckle. I just checked all those carefully selected things which are likely to make people click on them… Well they may be clicking but except in the possible case of one of the listings, none have sold as a result.
I do sometimes wonder what target market the selections are aimed at…however lovely the selection not sure they are as eyecatching as is needed…
My photos might not be the most professional but I do try my best. No matter how hard I try if they are not appealing to those who select I will not feature in any advertisements. To me it feels a bit like discrimination. Thankfully not all platforms are the same!!
I think it is more a matter of the taste and preference of those making the selections.
These of yours are lovely and would make me click if I was in the market for something like that :
Thank you those hats and the other daisy items have done well on E.
I think you’re right about the selections, I was just quite peeved that even when you pay for a plus account it doesn’t help. I would rather see money go into advertising than all the work shops.
The rather odd thing is… if we are talking quality of photos…I’ve just seen the second ad set and checked what is selected there and at least 2 of the photos are not square and in one case the bottom of the photo is therefore chopped off on the ad. hmmmmm
Maybe that is a little critical of me and I really am absolutely delighted to see Folksy listening to our requests for advertising…
but… the explanation given of how listings are selected mentions photos which are cropped and there are tens, probably hundreds of square photos on here, of wonderful things, by fantastic sellers and in a lot of case photos of truly professional quality so when i see photos which are not to the standard recommended size for the site I just think …
I raised a new FB ad of my own yesterday and I can promise that I made sure that every photo was square and did not therefore chop any bits off