My very first Folksy sale!

Well done on your first sale, hopefully the first of many.
I’m sure they’ll like it… with it being a Christmas purchase too, maybe they’d had their eye on it for a while and finally got to treat themselves!

Congratulations :tada: it’s a lovely feeling isn’t it! :grinning:
Well done!

hurray congratulations :clap: :tada:

Congratulations- here’s to lots more in 2023 :tada:

Congratulations!!:partying_face::partying_face::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3: here’s to many more orders!!! Cheers, Amanda

Well done you. I always get that niggle. No one’s ever complained except the lady I sent the wrong item to!:laughing:

Thank you! The item has been delivered and I am hoping for some (positive) feedback. :crossed_fingers: I am not sure how that works - will I get sent an email from Folksy if there is feedback or do I need to keep checking … and if so, where would I find it?
Sorry, lots of questions! Selling something is new to me! :sweat_smile:

Congratulations! To many more :champagne: :clinking_glasses:
If the customer was logged in, they can leave feedback anytime, if not they will get an email from Folksy that asks and enables them to leave feedback - it is sent after 2 weeks to allow for delivery. It appears at the very bottom of your shop page, after the ‘about’ section. Only 1 in 5 of my customers have left reviews - I get more ‘thank you’ emails than reviews.

Ah, thank you for that!


Thank you!

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