September weekly-listings-and-promotions-7th-13th September

Welcome to the September Weekly listings and promotions thread!

Everyone welcome – this is a special place to showcase your listings if you only list weekly or even monthly

Please feel free to join in – don’t feel that you have to ask or wait to be invited.

The aim is to list an item (or more or less!) each week and post it on this thread. Once you have posted your picture link then please promote the person above you and any others you wish to, using Twitter, Stumbleupon, Pinterest, facebook etc. For each listing you make you promote at least one other.

Please say how you have promoted the person above with your listing post- thank you

Most importantly we will support each other through positive comments and general chat- pop by when you can.

A new thread will be started for each week on a Sunday morning/afternoon.

Looking forward to sharing our listings!

Morning everyone!
Hope you are all well. Fingers crossed for a good week for everyone :smile:
Steph x

Good morning one and all feel refreshed this morning and I’m relisting expired items.


Hello Everyone,
I haven’t listed on Folksy for nearly a year, but I thought that I would have another go. I hope you don’t mind me joining in this thread.
I am going to post my favourite items onto


Evening & thanks Steph @stephshortstationery for starting the thread this week.

Welcome to the thread Jacqui @EmbroideryScene. Always great to have new contributors to this thread.
Great teapot cosy Eileen @EileensCraftStudio

Back with a listing later or tomorrow

Sue x

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Morning one and all - have pinned and loved all your goodies from last weeks thread and up to here.

It’s with a sad heart that I wont be listing any more items and will be letting my shop run down, I have too many other commitments that I’m not going to be able to spend the necessary time making and promoting.
I shall pop in from time to time and promote your lovely goodies whenever possible and join in on the Forum chat. There will be the items that are already listed in my shop up to the end of the year.
Lynn x

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Welcome to the thread Jacqui I have tweeted you lovely Christmas Item

Thank you Steph for starting the thread.

Lynn sorry to hear you’ll be letting your shop wind down :frowning: I hope things work out for you and at a later date you find you have more time can work on your shop again.
Don’t be a stranger as we’ll miss you.

Ah Lynn @erkinwald so, so sorry to hear that… I miss you :frowning:
Hope it’s not a bad for you at present, and you get through ok x
All your makes are gorgeous and I’ll miss seeing your posts :cry:

Welcome to the thread Jacqui @EmbroideryScene x

Pinned all last weeks lovelies and
Here’s a new one from me today…eventually!

Steph x

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Lynn @erkinwald so sorry to hear - I’ll really miss you. You’ve been such a great supporter to us all in this thread.
I hope things ease up for you before too long & look forward to seeing you on here when time permits xx

Sue x


Happy Monday folks!!!

Sorry to hear that you’re winding down your shop Lynn @erkinwald , I hope you manage to find the time in the future to get back to it!! We will miss hearing from you and seeing your wonderful creations. :frowning:

Welcome Jaqui @EmbroideryScene , lovely placemat!!

Blue loopy scarf…back in my shop…

Claire xx
Off to FB

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Thank you all so much for you kind words and thoughts it means a lot.
I’m not going to close my shop once all my items have delisted just put in (extended) holiday mode so that when things have calmed down for me I can return to listing again. I just have so much on for the foreseeable future, an elderly (91 year old) dad to care for, my eldest son who lives alone with his dog had just been given a promotion which will mean he’s out of the house for long hours so I’m looking after his dog during the day, helping a family member who has had a breakdown, and last but not least being able to spend some leisure time with my lovely hubby.
In the meantime I’ll be popping in whenever I get the chance to join in with pinning and loving your items, also to keep up to date with Folksy so when I’m able to return I’ll know what I’m supposed to be doing.
Lynn x


My latest mini greetings card!

Jeanie x


Oh Lynn what a lot you have on your plate at the moment.

Look forward to seeing you when you pop in and to seeing your lovely creations when you are able to get back to creating. Xx

Morning all!

Lynn @erkinwald gosh there’s a lot going on for you at the moment…remember on your list to put - make time for yourself and look after yourself :wink: BTW Hope you like the cards i’ve posted to you x

Lovely cards Jeanie @bluebeezy love your paintings x

Here’s a new one from me today…the blue version of yesterday’s

catch up later steph xx

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Morning Everyone.
What a beautiful morning! I hope that it is just as nice where you all are.
Thank you all for your welcomes and for your lovely comments.
Here is my listing for today.

I will be back later to pin my favourites and to catch up.

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Lynn please make sure you have some time for you and take care of yourself you have far too much on your plate to not set aside time for your own well being.

I’ve pinned all the lovely items up to here

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Morning all - just had a few spare moments so have pinned and loved all your gorgeous goodies.
Lynn x

Morning everyone.
Pinned up to here onto