UKIP have stolen my image

Too late @silvapagan. he’s deleted them all. And put a sob story including a photo of his 3 year old on his website. I don’t think I can face all his accusations again, I didn’t sleep well last night.


I get this lots with my photo business. You just send an invoice for the image use and then after 30days if that do not pay you can take them to small claims for non payment of invoice. Get screen shots of them using the image and date the invoice from the day you saw it being used to quicken up the process.

L x


The thing that is annoying me is his implication that if the image had been by a ‘local hobbyist or student’ it would have been ok to use it without permission. Copyright law applies whoever the originator is.

*talking through gritted teeth here


Here is the screen shot I took last night if it’s any help.


I feel for you Stephanie, this isn’t your fault, you didn’t ask for your image to be used. He’s really showing himself up for who he really is. And as for dragging his 3 yr old into it, that’s disgraceful.

As his wife’s an artist, I presume he would feel it acceptable if the other parties used one of his wife’s pieces of artwork to promote themselves (and then if she requested it be removed they reacted the same way he did). Hmmm think not!

PS cannot believe he’s added in a piece on his website about this and STILL not taken your image down!

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Ask people who commented on your FB thread to check their email notifications for his replies - we can all forward them to you if you want to keep them as evidence, as his actual replies, although deleted from your thread, still show in the emails - I know some people will have switched off notifications, but there will be some available.


Hi Stephanie

I know this is distressing for you and I certainly let my feelings known. My only concern is that I may have made it more of a UKIP issue than only an issue of copyright infringement. If that is the case, I am sorry. I’m a virulent left winger and find it difficult to reign in my disgust of this party as a whole when I’m given the opportunity.

I will say that I think you handled yourself very well by remaining fixed on the issue rather than the who or what was actually using your photo.

Based on my years of experience, sending him an invoice will not assure any payment. There was no contract or terms and conditions invoked and you wouldn’t successfully receive any remuneration unless it was paid out of the goodness of his heart - and we all know that is unlikely to happen.

What you can do is sue him for copyright infringement but who knows how long it would take for this to get through the courts. Personally, I would make sure that everyone knows what has happened and you may find that they pay out for the nuisance factor.

If I can help, send me a message! Good luck and stop worrying.

Kind regards,


Wow! Shame on them for the way they are blaming you for making your battle public!
If they didnt know the pic is modern and belongs to someone, and they cant contact that person they shouldnt have used it. Arnt they supposed to know about these sorts of things!!


This is why I put watermarks or copyright references on my images on line. Doesn’t guarantee they won’t be used but makes it awkward for the perpetrator.
Go after them, and best of luck. Point them in an email to copyright law. Even though there were changes in 2014 for educational use, to benefit libraries and universities, they still should be complying with the law. UKIP should know better.


Don’t give up hun as he’s still using your work.

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How rude! I bet they thought you’d never see.

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Im glad you did see it

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When you click on the link in the header bar entitled Parliamentary Candidate, it takes you to and encourages you to place a bet.

The second or third time the link works as it should so intrigued and wondering whether I had imagined it I tried it on both my iPads. On each, the first time I clicked on the link the same thing happened and I was taken to adcash or

I think the website designer must be a closet Tory or Labourite, that or UKIP is financing the website by accepting hidden ads. It’s very strange, I’ve not seen that before!!

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Yep I think that statement/come letter really shows him up in a bad light. Shot himself in the foot I would say.

Only just read this, what an absolute cheek! The least they could do is credit you as the Artist since you’ve contacted them, how unprofessional!

Does anyone back up with Time Machine (I normally do but my mac is off being repaired) - that may (not sure but worth a shot) give you the ability to get the comments back.

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Thank you all for your support, I’m feeling much better about it all knowing I’m not on my own.

I’m currently drafting a reply to his open letter to me, I’ll post here when I’ve added it to their blog.


Thank you Leslie, I’m doing my best to remain politically neutral - although I have to say that it’s becoming increasingly challenging to remain so!


Good thoughts Sara @DandelionsGallery and Heidi @Textiletreasure.

If anyone does have the comments saved anywhere I’d very much appreciate it if you’d send them to me, my email address is

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Sorry Stephanie I’ve checked but I deleted my email thingies last night like I do every night.

Had I realized he’d be so spineless I would have kept them.

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