Weekly Natterings beg. 1st Sept

ah @thistledownandHOPE i feel for you, i scribble down pattern notes on bits of paper too and then loose them. I’m forever having to recreate my creations.

Morning everyone

Ah, but the trouble is my family bought me this book to jot all my patterns down in/on, but I hate wasting the pages so only write the finished pattern in there so I can knit it again! Think I may have learnt my lesson! Bother.

The suns out…and we must tackle the garden today…it’s a bit of a jungle, in fact I’m not quite sure how we are going to get into the shed to get the tools we need!!..the bushes around it are so overgrown…

Have a great day everyone…


Back to school today: not sure what is worse a whole day’s teaching or a whole day of INSET! :frowning: