Are you featured in regional gift guides?

It was a decision based on the number of items we had for those areas (very few) and it made sense to put them together in an ‘islands’ gift guide. Cornwall is already very well represented. Hope that makes sense!

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@clarefolksy thank you! That’s a pleasant surprise :blush:

Thank you very much @clarefolksy mucho appreciated

It does Clare, when you put it like that.

Is there one for Essex please? Or are we included in the home counties?

Hi @clarefolksy I’ve had a look at the Made in Cornwall and I can’t find any of my items in there! ;-( Can I add any of my jewellery from my Pinterest account in the Made in Cornwall Pinterest board or do you need to do that?

Cheers, Amanda

Hi Amanda, I’ve added a few of your items to the Gift Guide

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How often are the gift guides updated with new pieces? I am wondering as I have 2 of my items in the “Made in the Cotswolds” gift guide and no new items have been added since the guide was created. Thank you :blush:

Any chance I could have some of mine in the Manchester one? :grinning:

We try to add items as new shops come on board but it’s a time-consuming job and sometime slips down the priority list when we’re busy. I’ll try to find some time to update them soon!


Hi Claire @clarefolksy just checking if there is a Scottish Borders regional guide and where I find it?


Excellent thank you :blush::heart_eyes:

I asked on facebook and earlier on here but no answers as yet, is there a guide for Essex please? I got an invite to join the London guide but Essex is not part of London and not relevant to me, Essex is a home county, can it be included in the home counties guide please?

Thanks @clarefolksy!

Essex is included in our ‘Made in East Anglia’ gift guide:

Ahh that’s great, thank-you. I didn’t realise as just says from Norfolk to the Suffolk coast in the blurb.

I’ll edit it so it’s more obvious


Thank-you, I have requested to join :slightly_smiling_face:

Can anyone tell me where I find the regional guides? Cheers

the gift guides are all here