Can I ask a cheeky request please? My friend has just published her first children’s book on Amazon but is really scared that noone will like it! I just popped it on British Crafters but noone has liked the post yet! Dithering with whether I should delete it but thought I would ask if anyone might like the post or say it looks good or something?
Trying to help but not doing very well so far!!! Dottie xx
Done. It really does look great, and a steal at the price!
Thank you so much @ciesse x
All done Dottie x
Done brilliant price
Thank you so much! xx
Thank you so much - really appreciate it
Sorry Dottie went and looked at it on Amazon and thought I had liked the post too will go and rectify now
Gill x
Oooh - thanks! Thanks for looking at it on Amazon too Really appreciate it!
UPDATE - She is chuffed to bits with all your comments! Her daughter who is 15 drew the little bear too and can’t believe anyone has looked!! Thank you for your help xx
Shared. Apologies for not doing any other interaction today but been out at a WI market followed by a long snooze then WI monthly meeting and so to bed…zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Looks like your strategy worked! I added a like to the list
Sam x
Thanks @SamanthaStanley I am so glad I asked for help! It’s hard sometimes trying to help people out! x
Thanks @JOYSofGLASS sounds like a busy day!
…and while I was out having a pretty good market (the last 2 at that venue were dire so that was a big relief) I had an order for 5 suncatchers, from a new customer,… and wait for the drum roll… I am 2nd Best seller today.
This is after being out of the list for weeks (not including when I was closed). I attribute this to
. Start of Xmas rush ??
. British Crafters lovely page
. I paid £6 for 2 days FB promotion selecting an audience of women 23 - 65, not currently liking me… Suddenly… from Friday… I was back to busy again.
Long may it last. Was just beginning to thinking of listing some things in my little used E Place…
PS Is the book available non-kindle. ie printed. Would be lovely for Bob’s Great grandsons. ?
Done - every little bit helps!!
Thanks @JOYSofGLASS I think the idea is to get the book printed eventually but not sure on the timescale (will keep you updated!)
Well done on your sales & for being so lovely about British Crafters We are brilliant though, obviously!
Thanks so much Heidi - really appreciated
My pleasure - I hope it goes really well for her! I loved the illustration on the cover!
Have only just seen this but have just added a like and comment too - love the expression on the little bear’s face! Hope it does well for her