Hi All
This is a place to show, admire and if you are inclined, to buy all kinds of cards and paper crafts smile
If you have time we are all happy to be stumbled, tweeted, facebook liked, blogged to your heart’s content.
Most are happy to be pinned too, but they will say in their post if not.
Buyers if you don’t see what you are looking for, please ask.
The theme for this week is ‘thinking of Spring’
Please interpret this any way you wish to, but as always, if you don’t have anything that fits the bill, anything will be ok, just be good to see all your work
Can’t wait to see all your Spring inspired creations
Carol xx
Morning All
A much nicer day today, sunshine and blue sky and definitely not as cold.
Hope everyone survived the weekend ok
I thought we could cast our minds eye forward and start thinking of Spring, can’t be that long off now surely?
Many thanks to Steph @stephshortstationery for last week, and to all contributors, so good to see such a busy thread

Snowdrops, surely the first sign of things to come
Carol xx
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Hi all!
Many thanks everyone for last week , much appreciated
And thanks Carol @cariadcrafts for another good one
Hope you’ve enjoyed the weekend, we had yet more of the white stuff yesterday came down thick and fast too !
I dread to think what my heating bill is going to be like 
roll on the Spring!!
Here’s mine today
A spring like valentines card
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Hi everone, yes much nicer weather here today too, I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
Loving the Spring theme 
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YAy dry today, grey though but much milder
Got a robin singing outside my window, it is lovely
Here is another little taste of Spring

Carol xx
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Hi all,
Very topical theme this week…
Jeanie x
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Back to the wet and windy today but at least it has dried up now. Hope everyone is surviving the weather ok and all the snow has disappeared.
Yoga this morning and just cleaned through. Just the mopping kitchen floor to do. Maybe later …
Here is mine for today

Carol xx
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Afternoon all,
A floral card from me today…
Jeanie x
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Much better day today, chilly and just the odd downpour this afternoon.
Hope everyone is ok, seems very quiet on here. Don’t forget if nothing on this theme be good to see any of your work
Here is mine for today

getting lots of spiders this time of year
Carol xx
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Nice sunny day albeit chilly. Makes you feel so much better.
Lovely card Tina @DaisyWings
Here is mine for today

Carol xx
Urgh back to the grey and wet and cold
Hope everyone ok and enjoying the weekend despite the weather.
Visited son this morning and dropped into a nursery, and bought two more plants 
Here is mine, not very springlike but my lates 

Carol xx
Yay actually saw some sunshine today, gone now, but hopeful of return lol
Hope everyone ok,and enjoying their Sunday
Here is mine for today

Carol xx