Cards and Papercraft Weekly Monday thread 26/3 to 1/4/2018

Hi All

A place to show, admire and if you are inclined, to buy all kinds of cards and paper crafts smile

If you have time we are all happy to be stumbled, tweeted, facebook liked, blogged to your heart’s content.

Most are happy to be pinned too, but they will say in their post if not.

Buyers if you don’t see what you are looking for, please ask.

I thought the theme for this week could be n ‘open’ one. Please list whatever you want, your latest make, your favourite make or your best seller

Good luck everyone

Carol xx


Another absolutely stunning day, hope the same for everyone.

Gym first thing, got to be some gardening lol

Here is mine to kickstart the week off

Look forward to seeing lots of makes

this is one of my best sellers

Carol xx


Thanks Carol for running the thread again this week.

Here’s my contribution for today…

Jeanie x

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Hiya all!
Thanks Carol @cariadcrafts11 for this week, I do love an open day😍
Yes, Lovely weather again today, supposed to change by Wednesday though, reports of that white stuff coming back…grr!

Hope everyone is looking forward to the Easter hols, anyone going away??
I’ll be well jealous if you are,especially with having this sunshine😆
Steph x

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Hi everyone :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s been sunny here today, too. I don’t like the sound of all that white stuff coming back, still it may not happen, fingers crossed.
Not sure what I’ll do over Easter, depends on the weather, I’ve lots to do in the garden. :confused:

I love an open theme too, so today I’ll share my latest card, listed yesterday evening;

Just added all the cards to my ‘Lovely things on Folksy’ board on Pinterest :slight_smile:

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Hi, lovely thread so far…I wondered if anyone else was selling Easter cards? Thanks for having me!


Hi Michele

Love your bunny card.

I sell more packs than individual cards, not sure how everyone else is doing though.

Carol xx


Glad you all like the theme, lots and lots of options.

Rainy this morning but dried up now, still overcast, come back the sun, I don’t want to think about the white stuff but they reckon it is on the cards for Easter Sunday !!!

Here is mine, one of my favourite parchment cards

Carol xx


Hi everyone
Hope all is well



Lovely cards everyone. I thought I’d pop on and show you my wild flower birthday card. Available in any age and personalised!

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Hi everyone, :wave::grinning:

Thought I’d share one of my personalised cards here today

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Hi all




After a grey start, it has turned out a lovely day. Yoga this morning and cleaning through this afternoon even got two loads of washing done so guess what my job tomorrow will be, yep, ironing. Just the bedding mainly though so not so bad.

Nice to see you again Emma @clarkiedesigns and lovely card

Steph @stephshortstationery, love your bookmarks

Tina @DaisyWings, your cards always make me smile

Here is mine for today

love this fun card for the boys

Carol xx

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One of my favourite mini monsters is this (they all make me smile but this has bubbles too!):


Hi everyone,
Thanks for your kind comment Carol @cariadcrafts11 xx

Don’t know where today has gone??
This week just seems to have been one mad rush.
Anyhoo…here’s mine today

Hope you are all ok
Steph xx

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Day spoilt by rain 3ish and settled in now. Gone quite chilly too!! Hope everyone still has the sunshine tho

Still got the shopping done, last coat of paint on wall in bedroom and more tidying in the garden, not a lot more to do now

Here is mine for today

Carol xx

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Happy Good Friday, hope you are having a good day all

Here is a new one that I really like

Carol xx

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Happy Easter everyone :slight_smile: :hatching_chick:

Happy Easter, shame the weather isn’t playing ball, very chilly out there.

Here is mine for today


Hi all,

Just a relist from me today…

Jeanie x

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