Hi All
A place to show, admire and if you are inclined, to buy all kinds of cards and paper crafts smile
If you have time we are all happy to be stumbled, tweeted, facebook liked, blogged to your heart’s content.
Most are happy to be pinned too, but they will say in their post if not.
Buyers if you don’t see what you are looking for, please ask.
The theme for today is, ‘Spring flowers’ but as usual, if you haven’t got anything that fits the bill or just want to show something else, or new, that’s fine. Let us keep the thread busy
Good luck, lots of bulbs and flowers popping out now so lots of inspiration
Carol xx
Morning All
Not very spring-like weather today, rain!!! Hope you all have better than me
Here is mine to start the week off

Carol xx
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Morning everyone, happy Monday 
Thought I’d share what’s new for me, my new round gift tags which match a selection of my eco friendly and hammer finish cards;
Hi everyone, great theme Carol @cariadcrafts11 just what we need!
Hope everyone is ok,
Just realised I thought some of these cuties were on floral backgrounds, sorry about that!
ah well I’ll have an abundance of flowers for the rest of the week

Have a nice evening
Steph xx
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Another good day weatherwise, lots of sun and much milder and NO RAIN Yay!!!
OH to the hospital this afternoon, after a 45-minute wait was discharged Yay! Yay!
Love your matching gift tags Tina @DaisyWings
Your lil rabbits are so cute too Steph @stephshortstationery
Here is mine for today

Carol xx
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Hi all,
Late as usual😕
Thanks Carol @cariadcrafts11 and great news on daves discharge 
Hope everyone is doing ok , lovely listings btw

Steph x
Not as late as me Steph @stephshortstationery
Yoga this morning and cleaning this afternoon, so busy day
Just ordered some new curtains and bedding for our bedroom, duck egg blue, not had this colour before so will make a lovely change

Carol xx
Ooo, sounds v.posh Carol @cariadcrafts11😜
Very DREEK here today, the rumour is that the snow is making a comeback tomorrow ahhhhh!
Here’s some florals before they get covered in the white stuff again!
Steph x
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Hi all,
Some daffodils from me today…
Jeanie x
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Not posh at all Steph @stephshortstationery lol Just a change from the heavy winter ones up at mo
I heard weather going to change at weekend, just been very wet here today
Here is mine

Carol xx
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Hi everyone
Sun’s shining here at the moment, hope there’s not snow over the weekend.
Sharing my colour your own fairy this morning;
Rain all morning and sun this afternoon.
Forecast is cold and snow Tina @DaisyWings, I hope they’ve got it wrong too
Hope everyone ok and enjoying their Friday
Here is mine, with pretty forget-me-not flowers and one of my special parchment cards

Carol xx
Hi all
Sorry I didn’t get here yesterday,
It’s snowing and blowing a gale here now!
Thought we’d seen the last of it 
Here’s mine today,
Enjoy your Saturday X
Wow what a change in the weather today. Very cold, and snow flurries, nothing sticking …yet…and very windy.
Hope everyone is keeping nice and snuggly
Here is mine for today, looking forward to seeing all the Spring blooms

Carol xx
Hi all, here’s another cute little lamb personalised card, this time with a pink balloon and a little yellow spring flower:

Hope everyone ok and not snowed in…snow on the ground, but none more today just very cold and windy
Here is my last offering for the week and tomorrow handing over to Steph @stephshortstationery for a great theme I’m sure from her

Carol xx
To finish off the week. Some cherry blossoms from me…
Jeanie x