This is A place to show, admire and if you are inclined, to buy all kinds of cards and paper crafts smile
If you have time we are all happy to be stumbled, tweeted, facebook liked,blogged to your hearts content.
Most are happy to be pinned too, but they will say in their post if not.
Buyers if you don’t see what you are looking for, please ask
The theme for this week is 'Summertime Funtime’
Remember though, anything will do.
Fingers crossed we’ll have a busy week and see some great work…as always!
Here we go guys…
Happy August everyone!
Gosh where is this year going?? However I say the say each year, they just seem to be going faster!
Hope the theme is ok, I just thought with the summer holidays in full swing, it will give us a chance to see some lovely bright and cheerful listings, just lets hope the weather keeps us inspired…eh??
So here’s mine today,
All things summertime shown here
This year does seem to be flying by doesn’t it (and yes I say the same every year too)
I’ll try to keep up this week but we’re going on holiday at the weekend and (as usual) I’ve got lots to do! With my 2 weeks in Cornwall in mind I thought I’d share this one first
Morning all!
Hope you are all well today,
Here’s a new listing from me, some summery and bright notecards love taking my knitting with me if we have a day out or a picnic in the hols😉
Steph xx
What a lovely selection so far, pity the weather isnt summery though, grey with odd spots of sun and rain!!!
Shopping done and put away, now craft time and this afternoon, gardening.
Hiya all!
Yep sunny and breezy here today, lovely drying day Carol @cariadcrafts11
Some more fab listings guys thanks again!
Here’s my offering today, for a summer wedding , have a good day all, Steph xx