Craftjuice - May 2014

@WashedandFound if you click on ‘profile’ (at the top of the page) then click on ‘submitted’ (near the top, left hand side) it shows a list of all items you have submitted with the newest being on top. If you paste the link to that page on this thread then just say ‘listed 3’ people will scroll down and vote. Saves you having to add a link for each item.

@AliDufty I have no idea but I know I have quite a lot on there :smile:

Voted to here.

Carol x

Morning all voted to here, two listed today

Morning all - have voted and listed 1

Lynn x

Voted and now listing this Sewing Items Needle Case

Voted for all and four new listings for me today :smile:

Voted and listed a new bunny ,Sara x x

Listed this and shall vote.

there is a post on FB from Craftjuice saying we need to put in different titles, descriptions from those in our shop/blog etc. Did you all know this, am I behind the times? I have just been using my Folksy listing.

Di x

I think these changes have just been introduced today @dikeeblebeadsan !! A bit more work involved to list an item now . Also beware of writing too short a description , when you go back to edit / add more , it seems to delete the listing , and you have to start over , argh !!!

Managed to list a measly one today , but will probs try later when I have more time . Have voted though :smile:

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Your right it was on FB earlier. This the first time in a long time that i’ve submitted anything to Craftjuice.
Looking at everyone else’s links and mine is different. Not sure if I’ve done it right.

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Voted to here x

Ok after much throwing me out I think I’ve caught up on voting if I’ve missed any one I apologise.

I used to always rewrite my descriptions but then noticed other’s didn’t do that so I stopped doing it.

I will go back to my old method of re writing my descriptions. I have noticed it’s not tweeting any of my items any more.

right off to try and finish one of 3 uncompleted items



Managed to list a couple more this eve :smile:

I’ve listed 4 please scroll

Now off to vote xxx

All voted for and have listed 1

Lynn x

morning, running a little late this morning so a quick post and run and I’ll catch up with voting on the bus!. took longer than usual to list with the change in layout.

All voted now :u5408:

Up to date with the voting and just listed one item.

Voted for all and have listed three new things today

Voted to here x