Craftjuice July 2017 is a site where you can promote your creations for FREE! Once you get five votes Craftjuice will post your item on Facebook and Twitter too. Please help each other get those crucial votes and promote our Folksy shops :smile:

Please make sure you vote for everyone else’s items to enable them to get enough votes for Craftjuice to post them on Facebook and Twitter.

Don’t forget to put your craftjuice link to your item on this thread so we all can click it and vote.

I’ll add my listing later.

Here is the link to the previous thread if you need to catch up on voting.

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Still suffering from promotion fatigue, but I’m going to keep voting through it :slight_smile:

Voted up to here

Just added this…

Thanks for your votes, everyone!

My listing and now voting…

voted up to here

Just listed this watch box, have voted for some but need to come back later when I have more time.Thankyou in anticipation.

Voted and listed this peg bag…