Hello and welcome to the February 2025 Daily Listing Challenge and Promotion Thread.
This is a challenge thread which means that as well as listing and posting your item to the thread you must visit all the other participating shops via their daily link AND that listing in their shop.
It does take a little time each day but it is well worth it because everyone who joins gets the benefit and the group is a lovely supportive place to be.
Post your item for the day to the Challenge thread by copying and pasting the item URL from your Folksy Shop (don’t worry if you are not sure when you start just ask and someone will help). You can post a newly listed item or something already in your shop it does not matter.
On the Challenge thread click on the links for everyone’s posted item, this will take you to the item in their shop, and hit the items - this gives the listing a brief appearance on the Folksy front page under ‘Popular Right Now’ (this is the main rule for taking part in the Challenge)
If you have time you can also promote fellow listers outside of Folksy by pinning on Pinterest, making a Folksy Friday Board, posting on Facebook or Instagram etc.
If you have a Folksy sale while taking part in the Challenge thread post a message on the thread and tag me in @fluffstuffcrafts so we can all celebrate and have a happy dance with you.
I will keep a tally of sales during the month and will regularly post about these.
The idea is we all do the same for everyone on the thread which gives us all an extra boost, along with virtual hugs and support from everyone in this lovely community.
Please remember to do your bit (clicking on everyone’s items and ing them) missing the odd day or two is fine (we all have busy lives) but please do not ‘post and run’
Any questions at all, please ask. We are a friendly bunch and someone will be able to help.
Alison (Fluff Stuff Crafts)
Upcoming hosts
February : Alison @FluffStuffCrafts back up Max @MaxPringJewellery
March : Mel @aquilacrafts back up Max @MaxPringJewellery
April : Caroline @Caroleecrafts
May : Corinna @quaverlyric
June: Sharon @TheOldButton
July : Susan @SusanBettyArt
Total Sales for January - 262
Thanks to Susan @SusanBettyArt for hosting January
February Sales
The Old Button Supplies - 10
Pirate Swag - 5
Judy Rowley Art - 17
Aquila Crafts - 17
Carolee Crafts - 15
PamC Crafts - 10
JenStarKnits - 4
Dottery Pottery - 32
Itsatwinthing - 3
Lilac Daisy - 8
Martin Shackleton Ceramics - 7
Gweddus Art - 10
Fluff Stuff Crafts - 2
Catpurr Jewellery - 1
Pamela Jones Art - 2
GlintBeads - 7
Max Pring Jewellery - 10
Sue Trevor Textiles - 20
Mallory Journals - 2
The Old Button - 7
Quirky Owl Studio - 1
IslaMayMakes - 1
The Stitchy Room - 9
Georgina Crawford Art - 12
Deborah Jones Jewellery - 5
Koko Blue - 3
The Sloth’s Cavern - 1
Felsted Fleece - 9
Pop Up Papercraft - 1
Girl of the Sixties - 4
Total 235