Loving all the pet pics. Fern is a cutie Jane @Beadseedz I hope she isn’t feeling too sorry for herself. Billy looks very comfortable Liz @PatchworkPackages
Carpet down, all furniture and fish tank back, just need to do the display cabinet and books. Lee has agreed to go through his books, as have I as we have so many.
Part way through making a flip case, git it covered yesterday but now stuck as waiting for a closure delivery. Will make a start on the journal to go inside.
Just one more day and we are still finding more to load onto Folksy. I’m making a wood fish with a difference compared to my normal sculptures, similar to the fish the late Sam Maloof in the USA used to make, but his were bigger. But it inspires me to explore further into my creative mind and ease the thoughts about my mother and how we support her when she is discharged from hospital. An area that we are unsure of, but thanks to Mel@aquilacrafts we have more options to look at now.
This January challenge has helped me and Barbara, through the dark month of January (our first Christmas as retired folk) and thanks to you all for your support and guidance. We will do another challenge maybe in March and one in the lead up to Christmas.
Just learning all about the tools that Folksy has for the shop and how to trigger some sales.
Cheers for now, Charlie.
Morning everyone, just popping in to say I’m getting there, I’m now on antibiotics and steroids and feeling a bit more human! I’ll dip out for the rest of January and hopefully return in February. Hope you’re all ok x
Glad that you have enjoyed and felt motivated by being part of the daily listing club Charlie and Barbara @Bachzigns - see you again in March
I’m loving all the pet pictures on the thread….so cute!
I’ve been sleeping badly for the last few days (think it’s a mix of hormones and anxiety). I have been having trouble finding a letter that I really needed and it’s been playing on my mind. The last time I saw it was before Christmas and I wondered if I actually threw it away when I did the Christmas tidy up. I was all prepared this morning to search through all my piles and piles of paperwork but I thought I would have a cup of tea first. As I put the sweetener container back down, I turned away and then I thought, hold on….there’s a letter tucked behind the canisters! I pulled it out and lo and behold, it was my missing letter! It looks like Mr DP had written a telephone number on it and grabbed the first piece of paper he could find, then just discarded it! (Like he does!) I’m not sure what made me do that double take but it saved me from at least an hour of searching!
I’m not sure if this is connected but just before I woke up this morning, I dreamt of my Dad (who passed 4 years ago last week). He was just standing there in my dream…he didn’t say anything but he made me feel calm. I’d like to think he made me go back and look behind those canisters!
Glad you are starting to feel on the mend Hilary @kokoblue x
Morning all, quick listing as we have 2 pallets of compost being delivered and we will need to start shifting it from the house drive to the allotment (can’t get it delivered directly there unfortunately ). We are not quite self sufficient - we’ll be making another compost heap with the pallets.
Listing today from The Old Button Sews, another hand embroidered picture - this one is a trio of hollyhocks
Just back from the most amazing holiday in Oman, getting a bit of winter sun. Back to reality now - wet and cold!
Still not sure what I am going to do with my shop on here but thought I would pop in and say hello. I’ve not really done any felting this year although I have a few events booked so had better get on with some soon!! I am currently looking after my friends very elderly dog for a couple of weeks (she looked after Holly while I was away so am returning the favour). Two dogs is much harder than one especially when they move at different speeds and require different lengths of walks!! May be a while before I get back into a routine.
Hope you are all keeping well - no time to read through the thread to find out - and making lots of new year sales. Will pop in again sometime.
Good morning everyone bright and sunny here in Devon it really lifts the mood. Billy is curled up on Bob’s chair taking in the rays after a glorious walk this morning when he did his best to rid himself of the fresh grooming salon smell replacing it with eau de something horrid.
Hugs to all who are having tough times @Bachzigns I also have a strong 90+ year old mum who wants to stay independent - you will know from this thread I find it very hard sometimes.
Great to hear from you Roz @OrchardFelts the holiday sounds fab.
Ah Sarah @dotterypottery the great missing important letter I am the finder in our house retracing steps, looking in odd places but I too have a husband who can defy logic.
Caroline @Caroleecrafts glad the carpet fitting went well and you are nearly back to normal.
Good news I sold 4 pocket hugs to my lady in the village. Not folksy sales for this thread but it gets me off the mark sale wise this year.