Good Morning Everyone,
All loved to here…
My listing today is yet another variety of sheep fleece…
Good Morning Everyone,
All loved to here…
My listing today is yet another variety of sheep fleece…
Good morning everyone, here’s my Thursday post. Thank you xx
Glad you are feeling better Hilary @kokoblue
How are you doing Max @MaxPringJewellery …I hope you are starting to feel better as well xx
Sarah @dotterypottery …well done on finding that letter…( Men !!)…and of course your dad was helping you xx
Good to see you Roz @OrchardFelts x
Hello all finally caught up. Love little Fern @Beadseedz
Good discussions on postage which I have to say I do find difficult on Folksy. I have tried so many ways of pricing to try and make it fair to the customer and keep in line with prices on my website but it is difficult especially for my cards. It would be great if Folksy had a setting that gave an automatic discount or free postage when someone spends a certain amount like most other websites do. Anyway I am sure this is something they may do in the future.
Here is my listing for today another mini painting this time of a mini owl
New item in my shop today!
Never worked with Dutch Spotted fleece, but I do love Hebridean. They make the most beautiful felted rugs
Pleased you found the letter @dotterypottery without too much hassle. I too despair of husband’s " logic" - things left out suddenly disappear only to turn up in the most random obscure place you would never think to look, and the explanation is always “I was only trying to help by tidying it up”. Every time i say “yes, it needed tidying but if you are making the effort to move it then put it away where it belongs not just shove it in a random drawer.”
Another repeat from me. Again the long time contributors to this thread will have seen it before, but newbies may not. I still seem to be getting lots of hearts even with my repeats, so thank you.
A plain white baby jumper, inexpensive gift for new or expected baby
More birds from me I made these a little while ago. Making them helped me a great deal when I was in a very bad way after a complete breakdown. They also are a foundation stone of Wellbeing crafts.
Hello everyone, here is my listing for today
Well done on finding your letter Sarah @dotterypottery. I know how stressful these things can be. In our house my husband is the tidy, logical one. I do have a system too, everything has a place, but the places are mega untidy. When you open my cupboards everything falls out but I know that what I am looking for will be in there … somewhere. Husband’s cupboards are all neatly arranged and labelled. But like you, when one of us can’t find anything it’s usually because the other one has put it away and we really don’t understand each other’s systems.
Another cat bookmark today. The last one for now.
Hello all
Glad you’re feeling a bit better, Hilary @kokoblue
Also glad your carpet laying went well, and you’ve already got your things back in place, Caroline @Caroleecrafts
Missing paperwork can be so stressful, Sarah @dotterypottery so it’s good that you found the letter! My father, who’s passed, was in one of my dreams recently too. Very random and weird but sort of comforting.
I’ve been doing some tidying up this morning, which lead to some decluttering so always ends up taking more time than you think (that’s just the bedroom!). Will continue tomorrow with bags for charity/bin etc.
Here’s a set of four mini notecards in the same gingko leaf design as the birthday card:
You may have missed the sad news about Heather from Little Ram Studio, some of you may remember her. A thread has been started should you wish to offer your thoughts to her family.
Loving all your dog and cat pics. We don’t have pets now, but this was my office intern yesterday, and I got to be dog-walking monitor at lunch break…
Glad you’re on the mend, Hilary @kokoblue look after yourself and get fully well soon.
Loved your letter story, Sarah @dotterypottery I’m sure your Dad was helping
Something a bit different from me today…
I have a friend who keeps Hebridean sheep, she makes lovely felted rugs, I buy the shearling fleece from her which is too open for rug making…
So very sad about Heather. I’m surprised that other Folksy sellers have not commented. She has been a seller here for at least 10 years.
Must admit I was surprised maybe everyone is too busy.
Thanks Brenda @teabreaks and to all for the lovely thoughts and get well wishes. I’m getting there, slowly but surely. Still on pain meds and preventative antibiotics so feel yucky but hope to be back soon xx
Just read the post about Heather Joy @JOYSofGLASS and Caroline @Caroleecrafts that’s such very sad news, thinking of her family and friends xx
So sad about Heather. I only just noticed.
I’m a bit late today. I’ve actually been gardening. Francis is still out there. Time I called him in to a cup of tea.
I have a new listing today: Hedgehog for a new baby girl