Folksy 365 - Daily Listing and Team Promotion Thread - May 2022

hose ammonites are really clever on @OhhhWhatAYarn & your leaf scarf is amazing Meryl @PersephonesPrints1 , I just want to touch it!
What a wonderful keepsake Alison @BlueCatMumDesigns , great idea.
Sorry to hear about your hubby Valerie @Valerie , I do hope you can keep him at home this time.
Oh Joss, @XStitcherJoss , sorry to hear you now have the dreaded lurgie, I hope it won’t hit you too hard. Plenty of sleep seems to be the answer, my Dad got through it way better than I as he could sleep for hours and I tried to work through it.


beautiful bee , love it !


Such a beautiful bee :honeybee::heart:


Please could you add one to the tally for me Max @MaxPringJewellery thank you x


Thanks Sarah @dotterypottery , and I sympathise with the kiln filling problem! Mine is only small but sometimes it still takes ages to fill, or the spaces are all the wrong shape.


Good evening everyone. Hope you are all well.


Evening all, happy dancing for your sales Mel @aquilacrafts and Susan @SusanBettyArt :slight_smile: :dancing_women:

Sorry to hear about your hubby Valerie @valerie hope he can stay at home this time and recovers quickly, sending hugs to you Joss @XStitcherJoss hope you don’t suffer too much and Francis @thatenamelguy manages to miss it. Hope you have a better nigth Pauline @OswestryJewels

So much gorgeous work on here today, some really lovely makes


Just popping in to report a sale please @MaxPringJewellery and thanks so much Natalie @NOfkantsCurios :kissing_heart: xxx


This is totally gorgeous :heart_eyes:


Sorry to hear your husband is still unwell Valerie @valerie
Hope covid passes you by quickly Joss @XStitcherJoss and that @thatenamelguy doesnt catch it
Sympathies with you Pauline @OswestryJewels - hope you find a solution to your pain soon.

Love the bee @VioletFlameGlassArt and all the other gorgeous goodies on the thread today

My day has not been terribly productive. My foot has been troublesome and I find myself in a catch 22 position. If I take painkillers it eases up but then I get a false sense that all is ok and end up spending too much time on my feet which just makes it worse again so I am trying to do without which forces me to rest it but means I am really suffering! I started making a highland cow but couldn’t face climbing the stairs to find all the wool I needed for the top coat so he has been put to one side for now and I just started making some Christmas bits - I know its early but they don’t take a lot of thought as I have made them before.

Off to the optician tomorrow to hopefully get some contact lenses and have my hearing checked (I’m convinced I’m going deaf - runs in the family) Thankfully I can drive there and will only have to attempt a short walk.


Very late tonight.
Another day of fencing, exhausted. The one nice thing is my son, daughter and husband and I are all working together, it is really lovely to be spending quality, constructive time together. We are putting up 6ft fencing around an acre, so we have a safe play space for dogs to run, as we are surrounded by sheep and trigger happy farmers.

Sorry to hear your husband is unwell again @valerie hope he can stay home and make a speedy recovery.
@XStitcherJoss hope you don’t suffer too badly with the covid, hope @thatenamelguy manages to dodge it.
@CreationsforTinyTots Pauline I hope the doctor can give you something to ease the pain, not sleeping can really mess with your head.

Lapis flower earrings


Morning all

So sorry to hear about your DH Valerie @valerie hope he recovers quickly.

Catch 22 Roz @OrchardFelts just be careful

Floral gift bag


Good morning everyone. A little cup holder or hand saver from me today.

Hope poorly peeps are feeling better. Last night popped out to visit my son who was feeling unwell, he has tonsils like golf balls, but seemed himself just a bit unwell, this morning his girlfriend has called, they had to take him to hospital last night, as he became very unwell and shaking uncontrollably, so he’s having tests right now.

Natalie x


Good morning all, happy dancing for your sale Sharon @OhhhWhatAYarn :slight_smile: :dancer:t3:

terrible night sleep (well not much sleeping) very restless, both hubby and I so it’s going to be a long day and I have to go into the office later for a meeting so I have to make the effort to get properly dressed, can’t hide behond my screen today :joy: oh and now my poor little grandson Conall has chicken pox to add to his broken arm, he’s not having much luck at all poor little lamb, I feel so sorry for him as his skin is already sore with eczema and he’s too little to understand not to scratch the itch, Abigail is going to have to keep him covered for the next week which he will hate as he loves a run around in just a nappy :face_with_head_bandage:

Oh no Natalie @NOfkantsCurios hope he’s okay and feels better soon xx



Good morning
Sorry to hear about your son Natalie @NOfkantsCurios - hope it turns out to be something simple, and your poor little grandson Max @MaxPringJewellery, how miserable for him.
A card of one of my favourite places today



Good morning

Hope your son is soon feeling better and back home natalie @NOfkantsCurios. Hope your poor little chap doesn’t suffer too much with the chicken pox Max @MaxPringJewellery.

I couldn’t wait to cut into this barkcloth that I got at the car boot on Sunday. A friend recently gave me her son’s karate belts to repurpose and as I was cutting it out I noticed that the green belt was just the right colour for the handles. Good job I’m a hoarder :rofl:


Good morning everyone.

Hope your son is OK Natalie @NOfkantsCurios and the hospital can sort him out quickly.

Of your poor grandson Max @MaxPringJewellery. Chicken pox is doing the rounds at the school I work with too. One of the kids on our bus has just been off school for over a week with it.

Today I have a little hat


Good Morning All :green_heart:

Today I’ve listed an ACEO of a wet and windy coastal scene.


Max @MaxPringJewellery, your poor little grandson is in the wars!


Morning all. Damp and overcast here today.
Max @MaxPringJewellery poor little lad having chicken pox as well as his broken arm, hope he recovers quickly.
Hope your son is soon on the mend Natalie @NOfkantsCurios
Gorgeous bag Mel @aquilacrafts. Loving your wonderful bee @VioletFlameGlassArt
A sale item from me today