Happy Folksy Friday everyone! Your theme for this week is Pretty Dark and it’s inspired by Lowri from @twinkleandgloomart’s brilliant #folksyfriday Once a Goth, Always a Goth.
So we’re looking for things that are pretty but with a slightly dark edge. Think ravens, floral-decorated skulls, embroidered zombies, pink with grey, dark fairytale, Poiret, leafless trees, lace and wings.
Have fun!
And if you’ve made your own #folksyfriday let us know on the other Folksy Friday thread Folksy Friday! - and we’ll share it on Twitter and Pinterest too!
i love @twinkleandgloomart’s art so much, that one day i plan on having enough of her prints to have one of those murder-wall style things going on in my studio <3
I couldn’t decide between a copper based board or a wood based board and then the materials I need for a commission turned up so I went with more penguins (so far I’ve managed to see 3 out of 17 species in the wild, love those birds)
I’ve just created a Pinterest board for this theme, going to try and tag as many people as I can in it (some won’t tag though, is it because they aren’t registered for the forums?).
I’ve just created a Pinterest board for this theme, going to try and tag as many people as I can in it (some won’t tag though, is it because they aren’t registered for the forums?).
This thread has really got me thinking. I named my shop Grimm Exhibition after the Grimm fairy tales to reflect my liking for the weird and wonderful things, yet my shop really doesn’t reflect this. Il have to get myself sorted and create weirder, dark stuff.