Handmade Raffle Prizes

I am organising a Macmillan Coffee Morning on 20th September 2014 at Newnham Village Hall in Daventry, Northamptonshire.

We have a varied selection of handmade stalls confirmed and will also be holding a raffle on the day. We already have some amazing prizes donated by local businesses and I was wondering if any Folksy sellers may like to kindly donate a small handmade item as a raffle prize?

Any donations would be extremely appreciated, and it would be a good marketing opportunity if you were able to include some business cards. I would also mention your business name and/or tag your page in our Facebook event if you have one, letting people know an item you have made will be up for grabs on the day.

Here are a couple of prizes from handmade businesses we have already received:

Something small similar to these examples would be perfect.

If you think you can help in any way, and would like to donate an item for this great cause close to many peoples’ hearts, please email me at info@charlottehupfieldceramics.com

Thank you! x

I have sent you an email!


Thank you Kim! I have replied with my address…

One of your embroidered bookmarks will make a lovely addition to our Macmillan raffle.

I will mention your page on our Facebook event. Please don’t forget to send a business card with it :smile:

Hi Charlotte

I am happy to donate whatever you wish in my shop. Just send me an email with your choice and address and i will get it off to you right away.

Kind regards,

Thank you so much Leslie, that is very kind of you. I have messaged you :slight_smile:

Hi Charlotte

Received your message and I will get it off to you as soon as I can.

KInd regards,

Here’s some more goodies received in the post yesterday for our raffle from one of my Instagram followers… So generous! There are going to be some lucky winners in our raffle :slight_smile:

(You can follow me @CharlotteCeramics on Instagram to see more)


Hi Charlotte

Just a quick note that my contribution has been posted off to you.

Kind regards,


Hi Leslie,

Just wanted to let you know that I received the bracelet that you have kindly donated today. It is beautiful!

Thank you for taking part in such a great cause. I will be sure to include your business card with the raffle prize so that the winner knows where it has come from and can have a nose around your Folksy shop for more.

Best wishes,

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I have a couple of pretty felt bookmark kits (Daisy/Rose/Poppy/Pansy/Sunflower)?..If you message me with your address I will happily send them to you…

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hi Charlotte , where do I post my donation for raffle? I will select something later today and post and email you photo of my donation :slight_smile:


Hi ladies,

I have just messaged you both with my address :smile: Will let you know once items have arrived safely.

Thanks so much!

Charlotte x

I posted my embroidered bookmark today.
Sorry for the delay but I wasn’t well for a couple of days…


I’ve emailed you, Charlotte.


that’s great Charlotte :slight_smile: great to be able to help even if it is only a little item :slight_smile: all for a good cause

You are very welcome Charlotte. If there is anything more I can do, please let me know.

hi Charlotte , no message came through from you. Can you message me again with your email address and address to post my donation? thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Charlotte

Did the bookmark arrive safely?
You should have got it yesterday…

@KBCreations Thank you very much for your bookmark. It will make a perfect addition to our raffle :smile:

@Gracie22 Sorry about that, not sure why my message didn’t arrive via Folksy? I’ve emailed you now :smile:

@lizdyson I’ve replied with my address :slight_smile: Looking forward to seeing your felt corsage!

Will post some pictures of the items once they have been received.

Here are a few other contributions…

If you think you can help in any way please do get in touch!

hi charlotte :smile:
just emailed you, got your email with address. Will be in post soon.