Charity Prize Draw

Hi everyone!

I hope you’re all keeping well. I’m taking part in an online event called Super Seconds Festival at the beginning of October, that new Folksy sales function is going to come in very handy for that!! As part of the lead up to the even I’ve decided to run a online charity prize draw to raise funds for DEC Pakistan Floods Appeal via Just Giving. It’ll be like one I did as part of the Tresstle Online Market for Ukraine but this time I’m asking if there are any other makers out there who would like to donate something too. I’ve had some lovely responses already including some fab fellow Folksy sellers but thought I’d put a notice here to see if anyone else would like to help.

Best wishes,



Can you please let me know what items you are looking for?

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It’s kind of an anything and everything kind of situation, basically whatever lovely makers are willing to donate. Been an amazing response so far here’s some of what people have already donated prints, jewellery, wax melts, cards, embroideries, stickers and a purse. My idea is to combine them to make them a super enticing giant bundle prize for someone to win.

Best wishes,


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Ok thank you. I can donate some Tealights do I send these directly to you. If yes please let me know how.

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Thank you so much that’s so kind of you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll pop you a message through folksy with the details xx

Ok just tried but it said it failed so will try again but apologies in advance if you end up with multiple messages in your email! :sweat_smile:

Just messaged you re a donation. Happy to help, just let me know how please. :blush:

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Thank you! Just sent a reply with the info xxx

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Hi, I can donate a pendant. Please can you DM more information. Thanks Ali

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Thank you so much l’ll DM you the details now. Xxx