Help us to improve the seller newsletters

We send out a monthly digest newsletter email to Folksy sellers. The content that we include usually comes under the following headings:

  1. News from Folksy HQ
    What we’ve been working on, what we’ve got planned and important service updates.

  2. Community News
    What’s being said on the forums and across our social media networks, plus relevant topical issues that might affect you or your business.

  3. Seller tips
    Links to useful articles from our blog and Knowledge Base about improving sales, running your business and your experience of using Folksy.

  4. Offers and competitions
    Exclusive offers for Folksy sellers.

View the most recent seller newsletter here:

We’d love to know if these emails are useful for you and what you’d like to see more or less of - please let us know by filling in this simple form:

(I think the form may have been inaccessible when the seller email went out last night but it should be ok now!)

If you are a seller and are not receiving the monthly newsletters, please send me a private message and I can check whether or not you’re subscribed.


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