How do I re-order my photos in a listing

on an ipad please?

I’ve been using surface pro for years and just click and drag my photos to re-order them when I make a listing but I don’t know how to do it on the ipad.
I try clicking the photo using the mouse or using the touch screen but it doesn’t give me the option of re-ordering it just opens the photo in a new tab.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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If you use the app, you can click on the photo you want last by putting as feature image, and work backwards. Hope that makes sense.


On iPad, if you’re not in the app, you can click and drag the photo to where you want it. Just hold your finger on the image briefly then move it to where you want it. I’ve taken a photo to show how I do it, not sure if that helps! I’m not sure if this depends on the iPad and version of the software though.


So you can Hilary - I’ve tried doing that before but it hasn’t worked. But it has just now! I normally use the app to order my photos - working backwards :upside_down_face::joy:

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I’m glad it worked! It took me ages to work out how to do it!


I still can’t re-order collections - you are supposed to be able to do that the same way you move the photos but I can’t get it to work. More practice I guess :joy:

I’ve just tried to rearrange the collections and couldn’t do it either! Maybe you can on a PC, there doesn’t seem to be anywhere in the app either! Oh well.

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It has worked for me once but I can’t get it to work again :joy:

Bit like my knees :joy:

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@ccbandatp You can’t reorder collections like that, you can only change the order of the items in your shop front using shop keeping, and then the listings in your collection will show in that same order.

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Morning Kim - it says at the top of the collections list - “You can order your collections by dragging them to change their position. The collection at the top is the one that is featured first.”. I have managed to do it on a couple of occasions - and have them in the order I want now but I find it a battle to pick them up and drag. The “shopkeeping” list picks up easily - I do that on a daily basis to change our shop front. :blush:

@ccbandatp Oh sorry, I thought you meant the order of items in them rather than the order the collections show on your shop front. Yes that’s possible but I’m not sure how well it works on different devices. I always leave moving anything to do on my desktop because it can get so frustrating on touchscreens :sweat_smile:

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Morning Kim - I thought that’s what you had thought - and I know what you mean by touchscreens! Although I can move things around easily in shopkeeping on my iPad but not the collection list. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: