January Jet Setters daily listing challenge thread! 1st to 31st Janaury 2016!

One for the Golfer in your Life

Thanks Rachel @GreenwoodMakes , Megan @SoSewMegan , Lorraine @CaboodleWeddings , Carol @cariadcrafts11 , Steph @stephshortstationery and everyone else for your lovely well wishes over the last few days x

Hope you had a great day off Roz @OrchardFelts

Natalie @NOfkantsCurios daft question … does your mum drink the garlic in the lemon water? yes so many benefits from garlic, i know you can buy capsules and they are said to be great as there is no after smell :slight_smile: but i think the real this has to be better.

Hahaha Steph @stephshortstationery i know what you mean, if hubby has it on a day i don’t i refuse to let him face me in bed :smiley: I don’t mind it raw, chopped up in a cupasoup, but don’t have it every day, love it spread on toasted bread and crushed up with mushrooms, I’ll add it to anything and everything, i like that with herbs aswell.

All done to here x

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Hi Jacqueline, I think this is the recipe she uses.
300 grams garlic
1 kg. lemons
1.5 liters water
Chop the lemons and garlic finely (or put it in a blender to grind)
Place in boiling water and boil for 15 minutes on low heat
Leave the liquid to cool well
Store in a sealed glass container (jar)

She make dad drink it, LOL!

Natalie x

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Yay! Well done on your sale! Happy dancing for you!

Natalie x

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Oooo will have to give it a try over the weekend and let you know what i think to it, got to say it sounds horrid but then most things that are supposed to do you good are :smiley: lol to your mum making your dad drink it, have you ever tried it ?

Nope! LOL!


Mmmmm :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Mmmmmmm well i guess you will know what it smells/looks like

Well, that garlic lemon ‘squash’ sounds delicious! I am sure it looks appetising too.

Sorry for not being about - been a really busy day. All caught up to here - super items everyone.

Here is a re-list - hope you like it?

Jacqueline x

Good morning everyone. Sorry I haven’t managed to spend much time on here in the last couple of days. Here is my item for today

Good morning, wow it’s blowing a gale out there today, hope it dies down a bit I have to go out this morning, I’m off to meet th trainer for the web design course, looks like it will be towards the end of March which is perfect timing for me :). I love a bit of garlic too and add it to lots of things my fave is mushrooms yum yum!

That’s so sad Natalie, I hope they resolve the issues for all parties concerned strained working relationships are difficult for everyone.

here’s mine for today a little brooch

Hello - a very late Thursday post!

Steph @stephshortstationery - my mum is ok thanks - finally managed to get rid of the virus thing she had before christmas, but it was around for well over a month. Enjoying the warmth since the boiler got fixed!

Hope things settle down quickly at work Natalie @NOfkantsCurios. Never pleasant to have a bad atmosphere at work.

An early start for me today, heading off for the photography workshop that was promoted on Folksy. Apparently there’s only 4 of us booked in for it, so should get lots of time for practising and asking questions. The organiser has been great in asking what we want to learn about . I’m looking forward to seeing if the other 3 people are Folksy sellers and if so, if I’ve come across them on the forums.
Then off in the evening to see Jersey Boys,
Also got a 50th birthday party to go to on Saturday - typically everything happens at the same time!

Just a relist today

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enjoy your day Sue @BeadstormJewellery, I went to see the Jersey Boys last year and love it!

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Good morning all.
Sue @BeadstormJewellery - I was hoping to go on that course but couldn’t make it in the end which is a shame. Hope it goes well and you learn a lot from it.

Here is another experimental scarf - I started this one about 3 weeks ago but it has taken me that long to find a knitting/crochet stitch that I was happy with - you wouldn’t believe how many times I have started making up the panels!

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Good morning.
Wow you guys have been very busy bees. I have.pinned and loved to here.

Roz @OrchardFelts I’m loving your new scarves. Yesterday’s one is beautiful.

Glad you are on the mend jax @JacquelineOJewellery chest infections are.so annoying and always seem to linger. I have never herd of using garlic to help with coughs, I’ll have to remember that for when my other half gets man flu next. Only reason I say that is because this morning he had a sore throat poor boy hehehe. 0:)

Sounds like you have a very busy day sue @BeadstormJewellery hope corse goes well and Hope you enjoy jersey Boys.

Natalie @NOfkantsCurios I hope things get better at work. It’s never nice to have an atmosphere.

Here’s a pair of earrings for now. I sort of found my words.

I also have these earrings too


Have a lovely day Sue @BeadstormJewellery
Lol Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880 didn’t you know there is no cure for man flu :wink:
a relist from me today

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Good morning. Visiting Sunderland with Joss’s second cousin today; will wave Steph @stephshortstationery

Morning Jetters, where has this month gone ?

Can I add one to the tally please Natalie @NOfkantsCurios (thanks @SueTrevor )

Hope things at work calm down Natalie , horrible to be in a stress filled environment. @NOfkantsCurios

Interesting to read all the garlic cures , hope you are on the mend Jax @JacquelineOJewellery


another mini painting today

Morning all! Another Valentines card, think that might be all of them now, might have to re-list tomorrow!

I know there.isn’t unfortunately but if I give him something really yukky tasting it.might.go away quicker. :smiley:

One more pair of earrings
