July weekly listings and promotions 12th - 18th July 2015

Welcome to the July Weekly listings and promotions thread!

Everyone welcome – this is a special place to showcase your listings if you only list weekly or even monthly

Please feel free to join in – don’t feel that you have to ask or wait to be invited.

The aim is to list an item (or more or less!) each week and post it on this thread. Once you have posted your picture link then please promote the person above you and any others you wish to, using Twitter, Stumbleupon, Pinterest, facebook etc. For each listing you make you promote at least one other.

Please say how you have promoted the person above with your listing post- thank you

Most importantly we will support each other through positive comments and general chat- pop by when you can.

A new thread will be started for each week on a Sunday morning/afternoon.

Looking forward to sharing our listings!

Sue x

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Good morning.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

I’m off to a show with my stall soon, so off to an early start with this week’s thread.

Some pearl earrings from me

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Hi everyone
I have just relisted this bracelet.

Going to love and pin your items now

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Good evening all. I’m a bit late to day as it was my birthday so hubbie took me to Henley on Thames for the day. We had a nice lunch, found some pretty vintage plates in an antique shop and a hour cruise along the Thames. I’ve taken a few wildlife photo’s mainly of Herons and the lovely buildings. I’ve been treated to yummie cake as well. :blush:

I have pinned up to here and have a new listing of a Sewing Needle Case

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Happy birthday
Sounds like you had a great day @EileensCraftStudio

Thank you hobbitgirlie :smile: I sure did have a lovely day even though it was fine rain all day but rather humid.

I’m rather sleepy now but I’m about to do a round of ringing people to thank them for my pressies.

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Hi folks!
Hope everyone is well!
Sorry I’ve been missing, going on hols on Saturday and things are a little hectic😱
However did manage to get something finished yesterday and newly listed last night.
Catch up on pinning now!
See you later, steph xx

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Morning, just stopping by to catch up with loving and pinning.

Belated birthday wishes Eileen @EileensCraftStudio. Glad you had a lovely day.

Hope holiday preparations are going ok Steph @StephShortSupplies

Hope to pop back later with another listing

Sue x

Finally made it back with a new bracelet


I have already loved and pinned the bracelet you posted so I chose this
Hope that is okay

Thanks Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880, that’s great and much appreciated.
Another idea if you have already loved an item is to ‘unlove’ it and then relove it, but what you did is great

Sue x

I did that too sue @BeadstormJewellery.
Just abit more coverage plus I always look looking through your shop. :wink:

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Thank you xx