May Queens Daily Listing Challenge Club! 26th to 31st of May!

Apparently their little boy is a massive Harry Potter fan Maureen lol. Our wee boy is much more simple, Tom, although he often gets referred to as Tom Jones, imagine the calling there, get out Ron Weasley, get in here Tom Jones lol.

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Well I have clicked and loved to here :wink:

A relist from me today, hopefully some new ones shortly but have a massive amount in my shop atm so hoping to sell some first!

@lizdyson yep I remember that time was very difficult for you too and you personally were so kind and there for me when I needed you around that time and I wont forget that as with all you lovelies, its been a life saver for me to be honest, and still is!

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Ok cuppa is done and got my listing for today up, I love these nuggets so much I made myself 2 bracelets :blush:


One of mine is a big Black Boy called Phoenix - my neighbour’s litle boys were Harry Potter fans - the boys are now preparing to go to University so he has been with me a few years. My other boys are Felix (he stepped off the Felix food box) and Mark. Mark came into my our garden a very small bedraggled bungle of fur a couple of years ago - he was chipped and I traced his original owners - he had gone missing from them 6 months previous but they didn’t really want him. He stayed with us. He is called Mark because when we found him my husband said he was Felix mark 2 - they are so alike - so he became Mark. I can tell you a story about cat names - I used to foster for the Cat Protection League and once had a cat brought in to me to foster - he had been left in a taxi in Nottingham very late one night - the girl in the taxi couldn’t pay her fare so she left her cat instead - he was a beautiful Pedigree Russian Blue. We ofcourse called him Taxi and all was fine until he started going out in the garden - the neighbours thought I was loony when I went out into the garden to call Taxi - caused quite a lot of amusement. - Maureen


Loving the pet names :smiley: We’ve had lots of pets over the years, our latest is a semi-rescue budgie - she came for her hols from a friend and never went home. At the friend’s house she was constantly nervous and terrified of everything…in 5 days at our house she was hand tame and eating everything we gave her! We called here Chiquitita, meaing Little little lady or Small yellow banana (she’s completely yellow). She sings along to Abba on the radio and the words seemed appropriate. Still won’t fly out of her cage though.

Here’s mine for today


Here’s mine for today, she is inspired by the poem when I am old I shall wear purple.

Back in my schooldays I knew someone who named their goldfish Widdle and Puke.


Good morning Queens!

A new listing from me… wish I could fit into it myself!


I’ve pinned and loved some of these, i’ll do some more when I can feel my hand again lol


Morning everyone

Going to show one my miniature dolls’ house carpets again today:

Back to promote later.
Shirley x


Morning all.
Just off to drive back to Scotland after a lovely week in Blackpool. It will be nice to see hubby again.
Hes a home bird and never goes away on holiday.
Hope all the poorlies are feeling better
Two tote bags today

Natalie please will you add a sale
Valerie x


I’ve been meaning to ask - Where is Edwina?
I hope she is OK, not seen her on the thread for ages.

Shirley x

Pets … 2 dogs, Max and Cookie, both rescue so already named
3 bearded dragons - Spike, Shakespeare and Bullet - none of which I agreed to having in the house but they got sneaked in without permission!

Likewise the snake - Pete - named by my daughters, a bit of an odd one for a snake!

We used to have 4 chickens (Moonlight, Starlight, Speckle and Thursday who hatched on a thursday!) and 2 rabbits Snowy and Hazel but they all had to be rehomed with relatives as the dogs used to chase them too much!

@WhimsyWooDesigns Shirley, I think I can remember her saying she is having a break a few weeks back x

@NOfkantsCurios Natalie I have a sale for stationery tally please :smile:

Please can any of the jewellery makers help?
I have a lovely Pandora style necklace that my daughter bought me and I think my perfume has made the chain black.
Can anyone sell me a piece of black thonging and 2 ends so that I can wear it again.
Valerie x

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Hi @ShropshireNaturalProducts when i went to look at your listing there were no pictures, no idea why :slight_smile:
Hope you don’t mind me saying but you have nothing in your “about me” section on your shop page, it would be nice to read about how you make soaps what inspired you, what products you use, if Natural, Organic and such, it would help buyers decide if they wish to buy :slight_smile: or just get to know about you a little :slight_smile:

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I’ll go and have a look and see if I can fix it. Thank you for letting me know :smile:

Hmmmmm I don’t know where they went? But I have added them again :smile:

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Hi valarie, I may have some silver plated ends and some thonging knocking about, about what thickness, don’t want anything, message me your address and i’ll post them on :slight_smile:

All done and dusted to here, by the way this is my way of letting me know where i got up to lol

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All pinned and loved to here.

Thanks for letting me know about Edwina, Steph. @stephshortstationery.

So glad to hear about your husband getting his old job back Carol. @Knittingtopia

Loving all the pet names and budgie stories. Used to breed budgies once upon a time and have had lots and lots as pets over the years. All with their funny little ways and funny names.
Keeko - 4 have been called this.
Greeney - who lived to be 14 years old.
to name a few of them.

Have read the thread and I am sure I was going to comment on more things but can’t remember what now.
Anyway hugs if you need them.

Shirley x