Most popular viewed product of the week

My Heart Balloon card was my most popular last week;

Most viewed in the last week:

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My most viewed print this week is Llansteffan Castle.

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My most viewed item this week, sterling silver and sapphire ring.

This little pair was my most viewed…


This necklace was my most viewed :cherry_blossom:

This guy!

For a second week in a row, it was my new lavender bags that were loved the most, thank you all,

This was my most popular item

This is my most viewed item of the week…

This is my most popular in the last week

Most viewed item of the week was

This was the most popular product in my shop last week:

Most viewed in the last week:

My most loved item was my rose bud ladies coat hanger

These oven gloves are top this week

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This was my most popular item last week

Most viewed item this week.

The most popular item in my shop was my lavender coat hanger

This flamingo needle case has been the most popular this week.