Most popular viewed product of the week

This was mine, thank you :blush:

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This was my most popular last week

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This is mine!

Hereโ€™s mineโ€ฆ

This was mine - now departed to a new home!

Mr Sleepy Seal

Most popular item was

This grey seal card.

This is my most viewed ( I just wish that someone would buy it! )

This was my most popular item last week

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The most loved item was my latest ladies coat hanger, that also was picked for Folksy favourites, thank you all xx

Mine was this blanket, thank you

Most vieved item.

No sales yet but Im hoping that I will have that cha-ching feeling one day :slight_smile:

This was my most popular item

This cheeky squirrel


My most popular post is an owl card. Loved by 24 people.

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Custom cartoon illustration


This kitty make up bag