New GSPR EU regulations - Northern Ireland shipping

I’m trying to read up on the new GSPR EU regulations coming into effect next month. From what I understand, if I want to sell to Northern Ireland or the EU I have to have a representative to vouch for my product safety based in each country I ship to. For me, this isn’t going to be viable, so I’m going to turn off shipping to EU.

Can anyone help with how I deal with separating Northern Ireland from the UK shipping option? Or am I misunderstanding what is needed? I don’t seem to have heard much about it anywhere.

Thanks in advance.


It’s not possible just yet, but we’re currently in the process of making some changes to shipping, so you will be able to separate this before the regulations come into effect.


Thank you, I’ll keep an eye out.

I have put a note at the top to cover if I have to cancel. Shipping only to UK mainland

Does this only apply to parcels? I had an order for a card last month , which went large letter post…would I still be able to post letters without a problem?

It will apply to any new product placed on the EU market after 13 Dec, if I’ve understood it right - it’s not easy to unpick how it applies to handmade items but the list of exemptions is short and we’re not on it! Also if I’ve understood it right ‘placed on the market’ means offered for sale, so cancelling afterwards isn’t technically a solution, we need to be able to exclude the EU and NI from postage from the outset, so presumably that’s what Folksy are working on. I’m looking forward to having a solution in place :slight_smile:


Oof, really hope Folksy are going to send out some guidelines on this for us soon - it’s all so frustrating and confusing! :frowning_face:

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I read the same @LooneySpoons, so simply cancelling and refunding is not an option as you have to have the information available at point of sale. Brenda @teabreaks that includes all items, regardless of parcel/letter size.

I have been doing a lot of research and the area I would struggle is around the EU-based Responsible Person or entity as I am based in Wales and don’t deal with anyone else. I have all the safety information required etc. but to comply I would need to ‘appoint’ someone and to be honest for the handful of sales a year I get for NI it just wouldn’t be cost effective.


All done to make us tear our hair out in frustration. Need a section which says Europe including NI. Do not post here and the row what it should be everywhere else.

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@MaxPringJewellery I’m in the same position. I don’t like that pulling out makes it look like I have no confidence in my products and that’s not the case at all, it’s purely the cost of having someone representing my business in each country.

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thank you Max @MaxPringJewellery …I hope that we will soon have the option to NOT post to NI…too many rules and regulations now… I used to sell all over the world…weigh my item and post it…NOW it is a nightmare !!
They just want to stop us selling outside the UK,


what is the date that these new regulations come into effect?

I think 13th December

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Fingers crossed that we may soon be able to exclude the EU and NI as a posting option on our shops…I want to post everywhere I can but these are not an option for me and I do not want to have to cancel any orders that may come in as it’s embarrassing and time consuming. I know Folksy are working on it, hopefully it won’t be too long as there are a lot of sellers in the same position. Does anyone know how other platforms exclude it or whether it is the same everywhere.
I agree @teabreaks it has become so difficult since brexit, n…I don’t understand why it has been made so hard.


I know Amazon Handmade and eBay have both put options in place to allow sellers not to sell to EU or NI. Etsy seem completely clueless about the whole thing although they did suddenly wake up to the impending HMRC reporting obligation so maybe there will be something last-minute from them regarding GSPR as well. Not holding my breath though…

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another question for all you clever people…
WHEN this comes into affect will there be a quick way to sort it out on my listings as I have over 450 items listed and it could take forever !!!

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hopefully it’ll be through the bulk edit option.

@LooneySpoons I have tried to have a discussion with support over on the dark side, no help at all other than they will pass on my concerns🙄


I am clueless when it comes to tech stuff so I have no idea how much work is involved at changing it but if Amazon and ebay have done it there must be a way, at least that’s some reassurance I suppose.

Brenda if I’ve understood it right it will only apply to NEW products being placed on the market, anything listed before 13 Dec will still be ok. Let’s wait and see what Folksy say :slight_smile:

LOL that’s what ‘support’ over there always say, been there 16 years and only once got a callback from a real person, about a decade ago when they first introduced automatic translation and it was terrible, I am pretty certain at least some of ‘support’ are AI these days, even the ones who send the emails :roll_eyes:

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