Photos presentation

Hi everyone
I make my own beaded bracelets they sell well at fairs and to my friends but I cannot seem to make my photos pop. Does anyone have any ideas please.

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You need natural light especially on glass, shiny stones. No artificial light as that yellows your background which I presume is actually white. Make the background as white and light as possible and you can use ‘accessories’ to bring out the colours… I wander round the house looking for likely accessory objects when photographing my fused glass pieces.

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Photos are often a nightmare to get right. I tend to favour photoshop as although I have a reasonably good camera I can never seem to get the right light balance. Jewellery in particular needs a bright background, preferably white, but sometimes all you seem to get is a grey or yellow cast and that’s what’s happened to your amethyst bracelet.

I put it through PS for you and removed the yellow background by using a mix of levels and adjustment layers. It’s a very simple process but does give some nice results.

Don’t photograph your items on a creased bit of paper. Invest in some white card.

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I really appreciate that thank you so much. It looks amazing.

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It is worth considering investing in a studio light box system such as Fositan or similar - it does help and some of them are quite inexpensive. I would also take a look at what other people are doing with jewellery photos like including simple props.

Getting photos to look right is difficult but I’m afraid it is also very important so worth investing time (and possibly a little bit of money) to improve your skills.

Thank you that’s a brilliant idea and I Will definitely invest.

As you’ve got a Plus account, there’s a webinar on product photography you might want to watch to get some ideas -

Like @VioletFlameGlassArt, I start with trying to get a good photo but they’ve never got that pop at first, it always takes a bit of editing for me to be happy with them.

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