Roz, I’ve had a quick look at your listing and personally I think the second photo looks best because I like the contrast between the mannequin, the background and the scarf. For me, this mannequin works much better than the white one, as it’s pretty while still being neutral.
Again, I think a straight on photo would be good, but the scarf drapes beautifully in this second image whereas it doesn’t hang as appealingly in the one you currently have as your main image (where it looks a bit flat). Also, just be aware of tiny things like the cropped corner in the first picture, which means it couldn’t use be used as a cut-out in magazines, blogs, or in our newsletter because there’s a tiny bit missing.
I’ve had a tiny play around with the second image on the pretty basic software which came free with my laptop (Pixelmator). Ideally the main product image should show the whole product, so I’ve extended the width of the canvas and smoothed out the background to show you how it could look.
I can’t believe how far you’ve come with your pictures in such a short time. Amazing.
PS. That’s totally favourite findable!
I actually think that the edit is more juicy yellow than your original, this just shows you what difference devices and people’s perception can make
@stitchingarainbow - not sure which one you are referring too but there are 2 scarves here - ones orange and ones yellow - sorry for the confusion!
Ooo Camilla, @Folksycontent - I need to find that software that will stretch the background!
And thank you for taking the time to help out - only another 24 scarves to go!
You could do the same in any software. All I did was increase the canvas size so that the new image width was the same as the image height and made a square.
Then I used the ‘eyedropper’ tool to pick up the background colour and filled the newly created white background on each side with that colour. To make blend the background and make it more even, I then used a combination of the ‘clone stamp’ and a paintbrush with the opacity set to around 50%, and went over the bits where the backgrounds met to create a more even colour.
It sounds more complicated than it was 
There used to be a very simple photo editor (came with Office 2003 I think). It had the greatest colour correction tool - you clicked the button then clicked on somewhere in the photo that was supposed to be white, and it did everything else! It didn’t matter if the original was too grey or too yellow, the result was excellent. Does anyone know if this function is available in any modern editing software?
This is such an interesting thread. I’ve spent hours snapping away just 4 new items so I hope there’s a good one amongst them.
I use a small white pop up tent and a very bright daylight lamp. Also I find editing tools a brilliant way to get the most from a photo.
The worry is as someone mentioned before, the finished product you see on one PC or tablet etc won’t be exactly the same on another. I work mainly from my tablet and strive for perfection with my photos only to see washed out looking images on my laptop.
Does this image need brightening?
That’s a super picture. Should be on the front page right now

Photoshop Elements has that, it’s the one thing I miss after upgrading:(
Totally agree with @JOYSofGLASS. I might brighten it a tiny bit, but it could just be my screen? Have you tried adjusting the ‘curves’ when you edit it?
Let me know when it’s listed, Karen!
I asked for help and got some lovely feedback about getting pictures better from both Joy of Glass and Sasha, thank you ladies
I have had an interesting journey this week, frustrating at times but with the help of others on this thread I feel I have achieved a great deal. Still lots to learn and always room for improvement but thanks all for your input and help. Off now to edit more photos!
Thanks Camilla @Folksycontent
I’ve adjusted the brightness a tad and just added the listing to my shop 
Been busy taking lots of photos - still lots to do but taking a break for a couple of days now I think. Thought I would share what I think is rather an improvement - and I was able to achieve it without spending any money - Result!

They look lovely I need some lessons ! you have done amazing… congratulations. Debbie. x
Wow! What a change, you should feel very proud of your new photos they make a real difference. Hopefully this should get you some more sales.
Since the sun was out I’ve been taking photos - think I need to find a new way of hanging/ displaying very long dangly pendants - I’m not happy with the photos as I’m getting distracting bits of background.
They’re awesome Roz! Did you go for the grey background? It looks so light and airy.
They look great. I’m trying really hard to improve my photography. I’m going to ask my husband to have a go at some new photographs.
I think my current ones are mostly overexposed.
If I was good at photography, I’d be a photographer! 
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No Stephanie @StephanieGuy, I just accepted that I was never going to get a white background white! At least the colours on the scarves are much truer now which at the end of the day is what counts.
edit - perhaps I should have said yes then my photography skills would look even better!
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