I, like many others, am not a photographer and really struggle taking photos. Trying to get decent shots on a white background is hard work. With a bit of editing and background removal I can just about achieve a photo like this (excuse poor scarf arrangement!) -
Trouble is I think it looks a bit stark and it takes several photos and lots of time editing to get it to that stage and I’m wondering if just taking a photo in the garden works just as well.
Does the background detract from the product or would this be acceptable. Would having the background make it less/more likely to be chosen for Folksy favourites or (not holding my breath) featured seller etc etc (@folksycontent - I guess thats one for you)
I know this is a topic that has been done to death and there is no single answer but if anyone would like to add their opinion/comments it would be appreciated - thanks in advance.
Hello! Personally I prefer the photo with the garden background, it looks really bright and inviting whereas the one with no background seems less appealing somehow? Perhaps because with the garden it helps to show what the scarf will look like out and about? The colour contrast between the yellow scarf and greenery really helps to make the scarf stand out too (I really love that colour!) 
The photo in the garden is much better. It sets the product of nicely. The stark picture of the scarf on a white background is more like something you would expect to see from a cheap seller on Ebay.
Dave and Dos
I love the garden photo it’s more crisp and natural and shows the colours well. I think it would be more likely to be chosen for Folksy Favourites.
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I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes I make new things then feel quite down at the prospect of having to photograph them!
I’m not a fan of the blank white background (I find it specially offputting with jewellery, as you get no sense of scale). I don’t think things with completely blank backgrounds get onto Folksy favourites much.
So I’m with the others, lovely garden photo for me 
Great - looks like the garden shot gets the vote which makes my life a whole lot easier! Now to wait for a bright but not too sunny day to get re-photographing all my scarves! Today is perfect but sadly no time available.
Thanks for your comments
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I don’t like white background photos either (although apparently having one tucked in there somewhere helps with being shown in magazine editorials). I like the garden photograph, but it would look even better with the scarf on a real human model. If you could find a red-head that hair colour would contrast beautifully with the colour of the scarf.
Sam x
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Samantha @SamanthaStanley, the debate of mannequin vs live model is an interesting one. There are many people who hate mannequins and find them creepy but equally there are people who say they would not buy anything that had been modelled on a live person (and therefore effectively “used” ) Not sure that either particularly bothers me but in the absence of a supply of live models (apart from my dog) I will have to stick with the mannequin!
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I like the garden background best. I have recently started taking photos of my bags in the garden as I was so fed up with my ‘white’ backgrounds showing up green, blue, pink, everything but white. I’ll suppose I’ll be back indoors in the winter!
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I much prefer the garden pick, it looks more ‘real’, if you know what I mean.
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Totally! It is hard to find people who are suitable models who are also willing to do it. I don’t mind things like scarves or gloves being modeled, as it is exactly the same if you buy something from a large shop online. You never know if you are the first to try it on or if somebody has already ordered and returned it. I wouldn’t show my earrings on a model as that would be pushing the envelope a bit!
Sam x
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It seems you “have to” have a white background shot for inclusion in magazines, but not necessarily as your first image on the listing. I personally love the garden background.
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I am hopeless with photos as well, but I like the one with in the garden beautiful
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I like the natural garden photo too. I think photos on stark white backgrounds lose the handmade quality of the item, somehow. I like the friendliness of a nice background.
Definitely the garden picture.
I agree, the garden photo too Roz.
I always use garden shots as I don’t have anywhere inside to take photos. I also think the garden works well with my nature knits theme. In reply to @rosesworkshop I had my Acorn tea cosy, photographed in the garden, featured in Landscape magazine (in 2015 I think) and it wasn’t on a white background. They just required high quality photos, but different magazines may differ on their requirements. Finding the right time of day and sun or no sun is a bit of an experiment though. 
I agree with many here to say that the garden shot makes the scarf really stand out!
I always use a plain white background. Just my preference. But your shot in the garden looks great. Perhaps use some background blur to help it stand out more. I use blur a lot.
Lovely scarf Roz! I’m going to stick my neck out and say that as a customer I don’t think I’d click through on either photo as the bust is distracting me? It’s less distracting on the white background, but then I think it looks generic and dare I say it ‘cheap’, but then I think the garden shot looks less professional, neither of which do justice to your lovely product. Have you tried working on flat white card without the bust, putting the scarf in a simple loop - looking at mass retailers online that seems to be the accepted style, and you could work from that and personalise it a bit to highlight the ‘handmade’.
Believe me Sarah @somanybeads - I have tried allsorts! Some of my plainer scarves look OK looped on a table but many really need some sort of mannequin in order to display the pattern and shape of them. Thanks for the feedback though - I know a lot of people hate mannequins but until I find an alternative that works I will just have to stick with it!