Teaching craft classes

Hi - does anyone here teach craft classes? I’ve been asked to do some pricing for running some possible classes. What hourly rate do you charge or are paid for running your class? I don’t want to price myself out of the market, but at the same time I want to charge a fair rate for my time and work.
I’ve previously done classes in the past for adult ed, and was paid over £20/hour (included holiday pay). On the other hand one workshop I nearly did work for, only wanted to pay £12/hour which I personally thought was low for teaching, when you consider all the hours you spend planning and preparing materials for a workshop. As one Vice Principal I worked for quoted - “for every hour you teach there is one hour of preparation”.
Your opinions would be appreciated.
Sue x

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Hi, I don’t teach classes yet but I have looked in to it and been on classes before. £15-20/hour seems reasonable. As long as you take into account the materials you will use, hire of the venue, the cost of extra insurance you may need and of course your time and expertise. I would also take in to account the people the classes will attract and what they are prepared to pay and how many will be in a class. I live near London so classes can be expensive but I have been to a scrapbooking workshop where I paid only £10 for 2 hours and the equipment was included, However, this was in a craft shop by one of the staff so for them the costs were low and it meant that attendees would buy their craft supplies.
I hope my ramblings have helped

Thanks Fiona - yes it’s all useful.
I’m based in the Midlands. I wouldn’t be organising/hiring the venue - just turning up, but may need to provide some of the materials, which I would charge for as an extra. The organiser does have a shop, so I assume as much of the materials that could be, would be bought from the shop.

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Mmmm…Yes I understand your dilemma. I taught workshops and charged between £25-35 per day for the tuition and then the kit (materials) price came on top. My courses were always sold out in advance and they really were fundamental to the success of my shop. However I think the planning just goes with the territory. I was lucky as with a shop I had lots of add on sales and on going custom but it is different when you are just tied to a classroom. The only think I could suggest to ‘up’ the revenue would b to sell add on’s such as scissors or craft materials used in the course. There are plenty of wholesalers who don’t have a minimum order. (or there were when I had my shop a couple of years ago!).

When I used to teach craft classes I was paid per session £20 per attendee. Plus I could charge for any material I required. Equipment ie for sewing the machines where supplied by the centre. I was also paid an extra £3.75 per person who attended who I’d invited and they proved they’d come via my promoting not the centres promoting by producing a promotions number/ticket that I would have given them.

I didn’t have to insurance as I was covered under their insurance as the centre employed me course by course.

Sue just a small point.
Your classes need to be accessible and inclusive for everyone, including disabled people. That means having information available in large print text, and in different formats, eg possibly audio for blind / vision-impaired people; possibly a low-cost portable hearing-loop device with an ear symbol available, unless the venue management can provide this for you for people with hearing impairments.

A ground floor venue helps for wheelchair-users unless there is an accessible lift, and of course accessible toilets.

This topic is complex, and certainly don’t intend to discourage you at all.

Yes, this can impact on your costs, but it is actually unlawful to pass those extra costs for accessibility onto a disabled student / customer. This topic is about providing services to the public, under the Equality Act 2010, previously was The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and amended in 2005, but the DDA does no longer exist,- it is The Equality Act, which covers a whole lot more than just disability.