Teenage boy gift ideas

Hi, I would like recommendations for a teenage boy please. Thank you.

Any particular likes dislikes etc?

He is generally open to most things.

I’ve got a bunch of fun pins/badges of my pigeon friend Fred cosplaying as TV characters, dragons, unicorns and other animals. I’ve also got a book of them available with personalised dedication. Basically a good dose of silly that hopefully will make folks smile.


I have quite a few hand knitted items suitable for teenagers (and adults) in my shop. I accept custom orders if you like something in the adults’ of Home section.

Here is something small for his room…

Oof teenagers are so hard to buy for aren’t they?! If you’re still looking for ideas, I’ve got a couple that might work for you?

My Computer Game plaque can be completely personalised with any wording:

Or my ‘Big Deal’ prints maybe?

If it’s his birthday, he might enjoy my personalised birthday newspaper perhaps?

I’m probably late to the party. But this guy wants a new friend.


You can get him movie posters or something related to his favorite movie, or maybe something related to his favorite video games. Even you can buy him some cute sweaters, video games, bike/skateboard.