Tutorials or content ideas for April 2023

Thanks Sasha for that. I now get it, the propping up the phone somewhere… its obvious now!

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@SashaGarrett …thank you…I’ve done it, not great but definately a start
For everyone else who wants to try reels read Sasha’s advice above, believe me if I can do it anyone can.


Sasha, thank you. That was very helpful.


We’re closing this thread now as there are many comments that are off-topic, which make it difficult for sellers who are interested in participating or finding advice. We have therefore started a new thread with a new call-out for April Call-out for Textile Art videos & content for social media in April 2023, to avoid anyone missing out on this opportunity.

Please know that we have read every comment on this thread and are aware that there are differences of opinions on what Folksy should be doing – but we would ask you to read this post from our team about how to use the forums so they remain a welcoming and friendly space for everyone A reminder from the Folksy Team