
Just wondered if anyone had any fab ideas on how to boost followers on twitter? I’ve currently go seven lovely followers of @CLOCKSinFRAMES

Is it the ‘done thing’ to follow your followers followers? If that makes sense!!


You need to follow lots of likeminded people and get involved in conversations. Also things like #handmadehour on a Wednesday from 7.30pm will help promote your account and help you gain followers. Don’t ask for followers, it’s not the done thing. It’s much better for your account to grow organically. Hope this helps.
Gail @7071design

As @seventyseventyone says, it’s better to grow organically - but you could find someone on twitter in your field, follow some of their followers if you think they might like your work too - and wait for them to follow you back. they might not, of course!

you could follow folksy on twitter - and piggyback some of their followers.

What makes me unfollow quickest is someone sending me a direct message telling me their every available link because they’re sure I want to follow them everywhere

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I agree with Nifty and Gail , just keep tweeting , follow people that interest you and it will grow organically as Gail said. Dont spam with constant new listings of things for sale intersperse with chat.

Thanks Folks, sound advice I think. I’ll have to try and think of something interesting to tweet about!! :smile:


I just joined twitter and Im not sure what to write or do!! it doesn’t allow you to write much does it, I guess you have to stick to the point. It’s goin to be a slow growth I think, I have more of a handle on facebook , even though I find it really difficult to keep everything up to date, it makes more sense to me. I’ll try and find some of you guys to follow :wink: