Adding video to a listing

Newbie question… I did a search about this topic on here and found a post from 2020 which says that videos are not possible when making a listing. Is this still the case?
My products show their best side with a bit of extra sparkle from a video.
Thanks very much, Jo

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Hi Jo, and welcome to Folksy.
I am afraid that this is still the case, you cannot add a video to a listing.
Hope it helps,

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Thank you Mina, I’m looking forward to my new journey.

Thank you for the information. I will try and remember to add a video on social media that can be linked. I must sound like I know what I’m talking about, surely!!! :slight_smile:

Because Folksy doesn’t allow special characters in descriptions you can’t put links to instagram, it would need to be FB. (Haven’t tried putting an insta url through a url shortener to see if that then is allowable in the description)

Ah ok, thanks… My things to do is definitely getting longer :rofl: I need to set up face book now too!!

Try a url shortener first before doing the whole FB set up thing - I’ve just done a couple of tests and I think it will give a link that you can put in the description (ie no special characters). They would have to copy/ paste it rather than click on it but the url would be there. Much easier to run those tests first before tackling the ball ache that is FB.

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