Alterative Smile of the Day. What makes you happy on a Sunny Day?

I was contemplating adding a comment to the Grrrrr topic complaining about the noise of lawn mowers disturbing the peace of a sunny day.
Then I realised the lawnmower was ours - Bob’s out there giving the grass a short back and sides. :slight_smile:

So I decided, as it’s lovely and sunny (I even made it into suntop and shorts yesterday as I wanted a bit of tan to prepare me for my holiday) we should also have a rant about things we like especially about sunny and summer days.

So though the noise of that lawnmower is doing my head in (and the house across the road has the noisiest strimmer in the world)
. I can still hear Mr Blackbird singing away on the garage roof (we duet sometimes) and keeping a watchful eye on his 3 offspring who make silly squeaking noises when they see me,
the garden is coming up roses - ok not roses I haven’t any but every other type of flower you can think of,
the fish are having a swimming gala in their pond,
there were 2 hedgehogs on their mealworm feeding tray last night,
the grass is being cut because it’s dry and sunny
I’m off to the post office in a minute with an order for 4 pieces and I don’t need a coat.

I love summer. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Blue skies - I just love them x


My garden, all the lovely flowers in it and all the birdsong that surrounds it (we’re lucky in that we back onto woodland and fields).


Don’t know if I can rant about things that makes me happy! Just don’t feel the need to get it off my chest :slight_smile:

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I’ve changed the title from rant to smile. You’re quite right :slight_smile:

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A raspberry ice lolly instead of my normal afternoon cuppa.

Here you are :slight_smile:

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What’s better than a sunny day? More sunny days. We have hedgehogs,just had a wood mouse turn up,I call it Mr Jingles (green mile).What the hell, I might as well feed the mouse too,I feed everything else from my cat,the hedgehogs,fish, down to the spider,anyway rather feed it outside my studio and away from my sable brushes.


I have berries on my winter flowering honeysuckle for the first time (Lonicera Fragrantissima) This makes me happy, and all my other lovely plants of course. Sunshine - bliss :grin:


A lovely early morning walk. Or afternoon tea after a stroll round a country house.

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We did the country house stroll last Sunday at Kedleston Hall, Derby and the bluebells were absolutely gorgeous.


Love it when something is fresh from the pickle and is looking good. I have to force myself to make those little buff sticks,only a lollypop stick,double sided tape and a bit of wet or dry but I wear them to a frazzle before I make fresh ones. Your bench skin,just like mine,not loads of tools in it is there?

Hmmmm lets see:-
hide mallet
small hammer
ring clamp
3 pairs of pliers
pair of snips
paint brush
needle file
felt tip pen
some wire
For me that’s pretty good, its when I start collecting mandrels in there that I have problems, but I shall be good and put a few of them away…


The sound of my 17yr old and 9yr old happily playing together…failing that a quiet sunny room with just me and a tub of Ben & Jerry’s cookie dough :wink:

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I know,scrooge was right but went soft in the end,traitor.

Sitting in the garden hearing the birds singing.

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Back in the Best Sellers list after a couple of years absence :slight_smile: And kittens in baskets,sunshine,lollipops and rainbows…


Doors wide open,blue skies, birds singing, washing moving gently on the line, my Dachshund Dorothy sitting watching the garden from the doorway….Everything !!!


You forgot someone to do the washing before it went on the line.