Are your sales picking up yet?

I have just spent the evening on the sofa with my husband, ordering our ‘family’ presents from various Folksy sellers.
I think I am quite early and organised, as I have birthdays to do as well. But it is half term and with children at home sometimes ordering takes a back seat, and will happen next week when all our darlings are back at school!
Has any one else started their Christmas shopping yet? because that is when the orders will come flooding in!!
Suzzie x

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Still nothing much happening here either, just 2 small items this month (a card and a keyring). Last year I was well on the way with several scarves, bags etc. I don’t really do any Christmas shopping any more - we do a secret santa around the extended family with each member buying one present of approx £50 - it keeps costs down - perhaps others are doing the same!


Re Christmas shopping, I only really buy for my close family who always specify things like vouchers for JD Sports and box sets!.. Otherwise I’d buy everything from Folksy :slight_smile:

I wonder how much sales are affected by being in Folksy’s gift guides, or Favourites.
Last year I had items in a few of the gift guides, including Christmas ones, but this year I am only in the Wedding one…I sold a few of those items, and maybe it brought people to my shop even if they didn’t buy the item in the guide.
I seriously think my shop has become invisible to everyone but me! :cry:

I think it’s very quiet this year - a few weeks ago I had a multiple order that kept me around number 30 in the best sellers for a about 5 days, but the order was for £80.
A few years ago you needed to be selling well over £100 in a week just to scrape into the top 40 sellers list for a day or so, so that’s quite worrying.

Sarah x

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I can say ‘YES’ sales have picked up as I have just made my first sale!! woohoo :cat: xx
I’m hoping it will get better especially as it is payday weekend!! x


Nope! Dire!!!

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Very quiet here. In previous years I’d have steady sales by this point, but I’m barely selling anything. It’s picking up nicely over on the ‘dark side’, just not here :expressionless:

Dire everywhere for me but I keep plodding on!

I generally have steady sales on Folksy. It’s my only ‘automatic’ shop facility though obviously I also have other private online sales and sales via Facebook messages…
My Bill to date for October is down on last year’s October and on the two years before.
My prices have risen slightly over the last 2 years but sales are down.
I’ve just compared my Folksy bills month by month with last 2 years.
Up to Feb this year they were steadily rising, year on year.
So… what happened on Folksy in March as all months of 2016 from that point are down on last year ??

Anyone else care to do a comparison - very easy to do a quick check if you check your bill data.

PS As I went back into my shop after typing the above I found a new order. I have a lovely lovely customer who orders, via her son, from me every year for her Christmas present. She has just sent another customer my way. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: That improves my October figure - still another day to go ! :slight_smile:

Could it be around that time that the Folksy checkout process changed to allow customers to buy from more than one seller, but only have one Paypal transaction? I know there were a few teething problems with some sellers being contacted to say customers were having problems paying. Also around this time I think we stopped getting the first ‘notification of sale’ prior to payment…
These may not have anything to do with it but it’s the only changes I can think of …

Maybe Camilla @folksycontent can answer this one.

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My bills have been slightly down month on month this year until september when it took a real dive and this year I didn’t get a bill and october when it is about a tenth of what it was last year…hoping the trend doesn’t continue!

It’s at times like this I start seeing E’s everywhere … :slight_smile:

My sales are down also from about last February. Just been looking at sales for last summer and they were double if not triple what they have been over the last few months, just can’t understand what’s happened.

I just had a look at the ‘Best Sellers’ list…only a couple of them are sewists, and they are right down the bottom…lots of jewellery makers.
Maybe people just aren’t buying my type of products at the moment, and there are more of us too with sewing becoming more popular.

Well, since my last post I have had a flurry of sales! 4 over the weekend, 2 yesterday and another order today!
Maybe people have suddenly realised we are in November!

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I’ve sold just enough to make me worry I won’t have enough for the Christmas period. I’m making again and bought supplies of gemstones, so I hope I’m not wasting my time :slight_smile: Perhaps things may improve if I have some new stock…

Nope. No sales since September. Bit fed-up.

I’m still selling steadily but my sales are down on last year from April. I’m hoping to catch up over the next few weeks.