Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2018 - your thoughts and ideas please!

Definite no to Black Friday/cyber Monday - really hate the whole idea even for the big retailers, I usually try to stay at home rather than being crushed by the crowds of people buying things they dont need just because they are discounted. Personally I dont see the need for any “day”/event at all but happy to go with anything that promotes good quality craft if people feel that something is necessary.


I am with the majority no black Friday


Please…No to either Friday or Monday… It’s a strange American idea which gives journalists the chance to hang around shops filming people hitting someone over the head in order to grab a large box with a cut price t.v in it! Much as I’d love the same sort of expression of passion from people when buying my hats( I did once have to step in with my teacher hard stare as two lovely ladies proceed to fight over a hat I was selling at Greenwich Market) but thats just not being a handmade crafter is all about… Any celebration of British, handmade, crafting however would be muchos appreciated!