Bulk edit postage . remember prices change this Friday 1st Jan

A timely reminder while you are all relaxing with a bit of time on your hands… that postal rates go up at the end of the year so would be a good idea to make any necessary changes now before you find yourselves accidentally posting out in 2021 at 2020 rates.
The Bulk Edit faciility off the dashboard works beautifully… just select all the ones you have at one rate, hit the set rates and enter the new rate you want for them all…
I only really have 3 rates… large letter which was and still is £1.50 as i have to buy pip boxes for those
Small package first class up from £3.70 to £3.85
Small package first class signed for … up from £4.70 to £4.85.

You can check if you’ve missed any by using Ctrl / F to find any old rates you missed.


Thanks for the heads up Joy :grinning:

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Thank you Joy, that’s really helpful - handy to know about the bulk editing too!

Does bulk editing only apply for postage, or can you bulk edit other parts, for example the description?

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postage only :slight_smile: but much much quicker than changing postage individually

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Thanks for that heads up. Totally forgot this was looming.

Couriers are becoming a lot more interesting for me.

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Thanks for letting us know. I hadn’t realised it was increasing. x

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Thank you Joy for reminding x

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Pretty soon it will be cheaper to take a train to get to a customer than post their parcels!


Thank you Joy @JOYSofGLASS for reminding everybody. I had totally forgotten about it!!

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Thank you Joy, I had no idea!! That’s tomorrow sorted then!! xx

I just randomly checked 3 different things in your shop and they are all the same postage so the Bulk edit facility will do them quick as a flash. Tick them all or at least all those on your £3.50 / 0.30p rate currently and it will come up with a box where you can enter the new rate which is applied to all you tick. The majority of mine were on £3.70 so I ticked it to do all then unticked any which were different and did those separately afterwards by using ctrl/F to find them. Hope that makes sense ! xx
This may be clearer…

hit the tick box at the top left and it will tick them all for you, then untick the ones which you are going to set differently. Then hit Set postal Rates… and a box opens up where you enter the new rate / s which will be applied to all the listings you have ticked. You can see i didn’t tick the one currently on £1.50 as that one stayed as it was.
Note that included in the list are all your current listings .i,e not expired but quite possibly sold and you can’t see from this facility which they are so i did them all anyway !

Thank you for sharing that info, again not something I knew you could do! Not sure I have been paying attention lately!! xx

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