Can’t access Folksy

Anyone else not able to get to their Folksy shop this morning or is it just me? I keep getting the spinning wheel and then ‘application error’ pops up.

Same here, I cannot navigate within my shop at all

Yes, I can’t get onto the main Folksy site at all. I just keep getting application error.

I can get in my shop and click things. I go direct via my shortcut
I can’t pull up Folksy. com. I.e. front page @aaronfolksy

It’s odd can access my shop and dashboard if I click on the link posted to the daily challenge but if try to access the shop front page says application error

It seems to be the front page, links work and the new sellers work.

Not working on Firefox or Safari

I cant access the main homepage

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Just in case nobody else has, I have emailed the urgent address so that the issue is flagged up to admin.


I can access the front page and my dashboard now. No access to Activity though

The other day photos, now this :roll_eyes:

Thanks Helen was just about to do the same but will leave it now it’s been flagged already.

Sorry, everyone! We’ve been experiencing an issue with one of our service providers that affected our logged-in homepage, as well as ‘events’ like your ‘shop activity’ view and activities like favouriting. We’ve been speaking to the provider to get it resolved and certain event like favouriting are available again now. We’re really sorry for any convenience.