# [Daily Listing Challenge and Group Promotion Thread August 2024

Welcome to the August 2024 Daily Listing Challenge and Promotion Thread.

I’m Anna from Fififoxi, and I’ll be hosting the August thread. Many thanks to Sue Trevor from @SueTrevor for looking after us so well during July

It is a CHALLENGE thread which means that after listing you must visit ALL the other participants shops via their daily link AND ‘:heart:’ that listing in the shop .

The rules are outlined below. It takes a bit of time but it is a great way to get valuable extra exposure for your shop and the support of other folksy folks. There will be plenty of friendly thread regulars who’ll help you with any difficulties and we do have a lot of fun and laughs along the way.

Firstly click on each participants ‘item link’ for that day - this will take you to the listing in their shop. Then click on the :heart: just underneath price. Hearting the item will give it a brief appearance on the Folksy front page - so the item has more of a chance of getting seen (this is the main rule for joining in ).

Next share your item for the day on this thread so everyone can :heart:it for you. To do this go to the item in your shop and copy its URL at the top of the page (the line beginning with https: // folksy. com / items/). Then return to this thread, hit the blue reply button at the very bottom of this page. Next add your message and paste the link you copied - leave a space between your message and the link so it brings up a thumbnail of your item (Items can be a new listing or an existing/re-list, we don’t mind as long as it’s a different item each day).

You must be prepared to join in regularly throughout the month - missing the odd day or two is fine and of course joining in for part month is fine too, we understand not everyone can join in every single day, but please do not ‘post and run’

It’s great If you can promote a few others as well by tweeting or pinning items from the thread (just occasionally pick some items if you can) or you can create a #FolksyFriday collage and share it far and wide.

Let me know when you have a Folksy sale so we can add it to the tally, celebrate and happy dance with you.

I hope we all have a great August.

It’s well worth checking out the ‘home page themes’ - they can be found on your dashboard under ‘improve your shop’ - use the tags and increase your chances of inclusion in gifts guides etc.

Upcoming hosts

September Elizabeth @PatchworkPackages
October Alison @FluffStuffCrafts
November Mel @aquilacrafts
December Sue @SueTrevor
***Cover for all of above except September Max @MaxPringJewellery ***

The story so far for 2024 - sales total by month:

January 247 sales - February 227 sales - March 190 - April 131 sales - May 138 sales - June 187: sales - July 159 sales


AquilaCrafts 4
Carolee.Crafts 6
DeborahJonesJewellery 10
DotteryPottery 75
FelsteadFleece 4
GeorginaCrawfordArt 21
GweddusArt 47
Glint Beads 3
JudyRowleyArt 8
Kokoblue 9
Lilac Daisy 5
MalloryJournals 4
MaxPringJewellery 5
OswestryJewels 1
PamelaJonesArtStudio 6
PatchworkPackages 1
PCCrafts 1
Sue Trevor 20
SusanBettyArt 1
TheHermitsBothy 1
TheOldButton 3
TheSlothsCavern 7
Girl of the sixties 2
The Stitchyroom 2
WonkyTowersCrafts 3

Total Sales so far for August252


Hi Everyone and welcome to the new ‘Daily Listing Challenge and Group promotion thread for August’. Thanks again to Sue for looking after us so well last month and lets hope sales continue to ‘hot up’ like the recent weather - ‘Scorchio’ as the ‘Fast Shows’ Poula Fisch would say! I shan’t be listing much but I will be loving everyone so Good luck and fingers crossed for sales.


Thank you for looking after us this month Anna @Fififoxi.

Wishing everyone a brilliant month.


Morning all and welcome to August. A big thank you to Anna @Fififoxi for taking over the roll of Mum this month.

First listing of the month for me


Good morning all, happy August :sunny:, though we have rain here this morning :joy: but it’s still very warm :hot_face:. Thanks so much for looking after us Anna @Fififoxi and wishing you all a fab month xx



Good morning everyone & a big thanks to Anna @Fififoxi for looking after us this month!
My listing for today is a card for Leo, a bit late this time as Leo Birthdays are currently ongoing, but holiday time was much needed & had to happen :grinning: :beach_umbrella: :thong_sandal:
Hope you are all keeping up well x


Morning everyone,

Thanks Anna @Fififoxi for looking after us this month
The folksy summer exhibition is now live and it’s looking really good, as is the selling show. Lots of us are in it :smiley:



Morning all, huge thanks Anna @Fififoxi for hosting this month. I’d like to say thanks to everyone who offers to host this thread each month, you are a generous lot.

it’s been wet here overnight - which is a mixed blessing. Garden and allotment need the rain, but we have lots of garden waste bagged up to go to the recycling centre first thing this morning. It wasn’t supposed to rain until after then :face_with_peeking_eye:

Today’s listing is another one my little fabric quilted cards for kids, with a princess looking out of her castle



Morning everyone. Thanks to Sue @SueTrevor gor looking after us last month, and Anna @Fififoxi for taking over.


Good morning all…welcome to the August thread…the naughty step is open for business.
Thank you for hosting this month Anna @Fififoxi
Max @MaxPringJewellery and Sharon @TheOldButton …RAIN…??? we are all fairly close to each other and no rain here…not even a damp patch…
I am starting the month with a painting…


Morning all. I’m back for August. Thank you to Anna @Fififoxi for hosting.
July was busy, with a new granddaughter born on the 11th. I also made my best sales so far this year!
Today I’ve got a new peg bag.


Congrats for your granddaughter’s arrival! :baby:
And for your best sale of the year so far of course, it seems like you had a good month! :grinning:


Congratulations on the new arrival @WonkyTowersCrafts !

Happy August everyone! Here’s my first for the month:


Good Morning All. Happy August. With visitors and holidays I will do my best this month.

Mr. Fox. Home Decoration. Country Cousins. One Hundred Percent goes to Charity.



Congratulations on both counts :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations to @WonkyTowersCrafts family on the arrival of a new granddaughter. :bouquet: :sparkler: :champagne:


Yes it rained overnight Brenda @teabreaks. Don’t think it was much, just enough to get the bags a little soggy!


Ooh congratulations. On both granddaughter, and sales :grin::grin:


Thanks @Fififoxi for organising this month’s thread!
I hope everyone is well!
Today’s listing is a long-exposure fine art print taken at Holkham Beach in Norfolk.


Good morning all. Lovely sunny day here again but I don’t like it too hot.
I’m starting the new month by reopening my shop as I’ve had to take a break due to healt problems, hopefully this time I’ll be around longer :slightly_smiling_face:
Here is my listing for today