Welcome to the April 2024 Daily Listing Challenge Thread
Hello! I’m Susan from @SusanBettyArt, and I’ll be hosting the April thread. Thanks so much to Deborah @DebroahJonesJewellery for looking after us so well during March.
It is a CHALLENGE thread which means that, once a day, you must visit ALL the other participants shops via their daily link AND that listing in the shop .
The rules are outlined below. It does look a bit complicated but do have a go because it is a great way to get valuable extra exposure for your shop. There will be plenty of friendly thread regulars who’ll help you with any difficulties and we do have a lot of fun and laughs along the way.
Firstly Click on a participants ‘item link’ for that day - this take you to the listing in their shop. Then click on the for that days item - this gives the item a brief appearance on the Folksy ‘newest items’ front page - so the item has more of a chance of getting seen (this is the main rule for joining in ). You can see how to do it below
Next share your item for the day on this thread so everyone can it - to do this select your item from your shop and copy its URL at the top of the page. Then return to this thread, hit the blue reply button at the very bottom of the thread page, then add some text and paste your link (Items can be a new listing or an existing/re-list, we don’t mind as long as it’s a different item each day).
You must be prepared to join in regularly throughout the month - missing the odd day or two is fine and of course joining in for part month is fine too, we understand not everyone can join in every single day, but please do not ‘post and run’
It’s great If you can promote a few others as well by tweeting or pinning items from the thread (just occasionally pick some items if you can) or you can create a #FolksyFriday collage and share it far and wide.
Let me know when you have a Folksy sale so we can add it to the tally, celebrate and happy dance with you.
I hope we all have a great April
It’s well worth checking out the ‘home page themes’ - they can be found on your dashboard under ‘improve your shop’ - use the tags and increase your chances of inclusion in gifts guides etc.
Upcoming hosts
April Susan @SusanBettyArt
May Max @MaxPringJewellery
June Mel @aquilacrafts
July Sue @SueTrevor
August Anna @Fififoxi
The story so far for 2024 - sales total by month:
January 247 sales - February 227 sales - March190 - April 131 sales**
Allsortsofstitches - 1
Aquila Crafts - 12
Butterfly & Thistle Creative Crafts - 2
Carlas Creative Crafts - 1
Carolee Crafts - 43
Cottage White Crafts - 1
Crafty Nature - 4
Creations for Tiny Tots - 2
Georgina Crawford Art - 5
Girl of the Sixties - 2
Glint Beads - 2
Grannys Handknits - 2
Gweddus Art - 16
KarenAnn Creations - 1
Koko Blue - 1
Mallory Journals - 4
Martin Shackelton Ceramics - 1
Orchard Felts - 2
Oswestry Jewels - 2
Pamela Jones Art Studio - 2
Paper Daisy Cards - 1
Patchwork Packages - 2
Purple Dragon Arts & Crafts - 1
Sea Worn Jewellery - 1
Susan Betty Art - 2
The Old Button - 6
The Sloth’s Cavern - 10
X Stitcher Joss - 2