I found this article in Martha Stewart’s website about sewing machines. It was useful to me, maybe it will be for you: https://goo.gl/PKKlDt
Getting appropriate supplies is also important for the machine to work good. I get mine from this online craft store.
I am glad to hear that you have finally sort out the issue by yourself.
Hey guys, I just joined. I have been wondering if it is possible to do embroidery with a Singer machine? I recently acquired one and I am wondering if something so delicate will be posible
Oh Singers are amazing. We used to have one at home when I was kid. I actually even learned sewing on one of those puppies. I still remember the first thing my mom taught me. It was how to thread and old Singer. It was amazing. I used those skills throughout all my life. I am not really sure if you can actually do sophisticated enough embroidery with one of those but I am sure you can find it online. I have a really good idea where you can find some info about it though. I have found this really cool website with different tips for sewing. If you want you can check it here: http://sewingmachinebuffs.com/how-to-thread-a-singer-sewing-machine/ I hope that you will be able to find some help though. Do show the pics of your work Please