Fab Febs daily listing Challenge thread 1 to 29th February 2016!

Afternoon, so late today, didn’t get up until 9 oclock and that was because hubbie woke me :smiley:

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I had some wine crates delivered and used them as a backdrop for my photos - quite pleased with the result.


Hi everyone. Thank you all for your concerns about Erin. She seems a bit better today. Still not eaten much, just a bite of a banana so far today. Last night we managed to tempt her with a yorkshire pudding, so things seem to be heading in the right direction. She just fell asleep standing up, bless her!

@MidnightStarDesigns I do hope your Mum will be feeling better soon. So sorry that I must have missed your previous posts about this. Thinking of you xx

I do hope that everyone is ok? I am very sorry, but I just haven’t managed to keep up with the posts since Erin was taken poorly. I see there have been sales already this month! A great start!

Can I show you a re-list please? I hope to have a few new items soon.

Jacqueline x


Hey y’all.I swerved january to focus on scary taxes which actually only took 3 days! Spent the rest of the time worrying/procrastinating about it

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Afternoon Fabs,

Big thanks to Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for keeping tally for us again.

Welcome to all the new faces,I look forward to seeing your creations.
Best wishes to to poorly peeps and those with poorly family members.

My little dog had her stitches out this morning and is allowed proper walks again :slightly_smiling:


My first contribution to a daily listing thread :slightly_smiling:

Warm welcome to all the newbies, lovely to have you on board.Carol @cariadcrafts11 that’s a beautiful card, you’ve made so many pretty delicate designs lately. Roz @OrchardFelts think you’re trying to confuse me, beautiful scarf but can’t be the one you had laid out as that had a blue grid pattern!
Jacqueline @JAustenJewelleryDesign I do hope Erin is better soon, such a worry for you. Great Carol @Knittingtopia that you’re are feeling a little better and able to join in.
Will list shortly, just spotted my dustbin being blown down the street, need to give chase!


Your lovely studs turned up in time this morning, many thanks, they are off to my daughters tonight as part of her 25th birthday present :blush: I’m not really sure how I can possibly have a 25 year old daughter, being only 26 myself! :laughing:


Back, bin in place! Here’s today’s

I also like wine crates @LifeCovers , my son made some into shelves and I like the way my stuff looks on them but hard to get the lighting right ( for me anyway) Also quite like the wine!:wine_glass:


Hello Fabs, My hand is all better and I’m ready for February!
Thanks for all the well wishes :slightly_smiling:

relist for today


Todays noofing



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y first listing in Feb is this bracelet with lovely red and brown beads :slightly_smiling:

Good afternoon all,

A good start to the new month with lots of lovely listings. Here is mine. Another card from my ‘White Collection’.

Jeanie x


Dinner in slow cooker, house tidied, admin done (most of it), banking done, patio weeded just the ironing to go - feeling very smug :slightly_smiling:

Megan @SoSewMegan - that one will be on the thread tomorrow :slightly_smiling:

Jeanie @bluebeezy - that loo roll cover made me smile, my aunt used to have one which had a little label attached to it that read “toilet roll run out, don’t despair, lift up my skirt and you’ll find some there” - must have made an impression on me as I can still remember it all these years later!

Right off to do the ironing


I’m new to the forums. Do I just dive in, or do I need to sign ups somewhere?



Dive in @fulgorine :blush:


Here’s my new listing today - first one of the month and a Valentines gift for him :slightly_smiling: https://folksy.com/items/6748492-Valentines-Day-Men-s-Brown-Leather-Duo-Bracelet

Welcome to the thread Cate.

Love your photos. Beautiful use of colour.

Jeanie x