Fimo/Polymer clay advice please

I’m thinking about making my own buttons for my knits and crochet using Fimo
My question is would the buttons be ok when the garments are washed


I’ve never tried it myself but found this info online that might help

@CraftedByEcho I just read that article and it is brilliant stuff. It looks like it is certainly possible, but I note that the person who wrote it did not use the Fimo brand and I would concur from personal experience. Although Fimo would withstand washing and drying (it is thermosetting plastic so it won’t melt) I imagine that the porous plasticine-like surface would not look as good after a few washes. The brands of clay used in the article might be more expensive but the results were really good @PamelaWestArt , so I would go for it!

Sam x

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Thank you so much.
I would onlyuse the buttons on ny wrist-warmers and scarves etc so they probably wouldn’t washed as much as baby items etc.
I’ll go for it then

Thanks again :slightly_smiling_face::+1:t3:


I had problems with Fimo going hard and found that the only way to reconstitute it is with water. Apparently it doesn’t have the same chemical make-up as other PCs. I don’t know whether this fact would make it unsuitable for a lot of warm water washing. Completely sealing all surfaces with a varnish might be the way to go. Hope this helps.

Do you mean it went hard before you baked it? If so you might be able to reconstitute it with water
I would think after bakingyou couldn’t do that
Pam xxxx

Hi Pam - Yes, it went hard before baking. Perhaps using Classic or Effects rather than Soft would also be better for your buttons. I’ve read that putting baked Transparent straight into cold water gives a better transparency.
I look forward to seeing your results. :smile::smile:

I can’t remember which ones I bought. I’ll let y9u know when I’ve done some. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

I would test this so that you know for certain. Make some different sized buttons and attach them to cloth and then wash them a good 10 or 15 times and at various temperatures. After all, if a customer writes to you to say your buttons melted after one wash, at the moment, you wouldn’t know if it was true or not. I think this is the only way you could be certain.

That’s a good idea :slightly_smiling_face:
I’ll try that
Kind regards