First Craft Fair of 2025

We had our first craft fair of 2025 today at Mind, Body and Soul, Lightcliffe Academy, Halifax.

Event was well organised, footfall was really good, lots of customers stopping and chatting, liking our products. Sales were not good though (but thanks to the people who bought!) so we failed even to recoup our stall fee.

There is one glimmer of hope in that we could build on one of the items sold. We had enthusiastic and added feedback from people when we talked about the item so by focusing on that it could be something we can take forward.

The BIG question is, do we ditch our new range of products and concentrate on the one specific and create a whole new range?

Your thoughts would be appreciated!

P.S. We create things because it keeps us busy using our brains, spend time together planning and developing, SM marketing, meeting lovely people and having a laugh. We don’t expect to make lots of money, we are happy covering our stall fee and car parking/petrol (if possible) but sadly cannot carry on forking out for materials etc. We’re pensioners after all!

Thanks, Sue & Carol❣️

I would be loathed to completely revamp my product lines based on one sale at one event, if after 2 or 3 events you were consistently getting the same feedback then I might start considering it more. You don’t mention what the item is so it could be that at that type of event (the title of it suggests its a holistic fair) that the item in question is unique to your stall as the other stalls are also selling incense burners/ candle holders etc. But if you go to a more general craft fair where there aren’t so many people selling holistic items then your other product lines do better.

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Also, you don’t say if this is the first time you’ve done an event rather than selling online? In case you are new to this type of thing (though I have little experience of holistic fairs, I have 15+ years of general craft fairs), February/March isn’t a good time to get any feedback about anything! I gave up on the early part of the year, years ago, Easter is soon enough and even then, it can be iffy. People mooch, it’s somewhere to go, but it doesn’t mean to say they’re in buying mode.

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@SashaGarrett @SilvanaJewellery

We did fairs last year but changed our medium and product range, so yes it’s too early to say if these are going to be successful!

The item in question can be for any type of event. Thinking logically, develop it and take to specific events like weve done with our current range for well being events.

Thanks for your support :heavy_heart_exclamation:

I agree with the others never just go on one review or only take one type if item. People like choice, one size does not fit all.

My items are all OOAK, my customers like this as they appreciate buying a one off.