Welcome back Georgina….sounds like you didn’t have much down time Hope your foot is OK with all the travelling.
Afternoon all,
Happy Mayday! (What happened to April?)
Thanks to Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for April, and to Max @MaxPringJewellery for May.
Hope your OH recovers apace @valerie, thoughts with you both.
Welcome back Georgina @GeorginaCrawfordArt - glad to hear the foot is on the mend - and @SueTrevor - your cuff had already sold - way to make an entrance! Congratulations
Gorgeous necklace @SunnySue - I love blue lace agate.
Fluorite necklace today -
Hi everyone I’ve back again this time with Oswestry Jewels.
Today I have a relist that could do with a bit more love.
Thanks, no, virtually no downtime, but a lovely group of guests.
My foot didn’t like the changing pressure on the plane much, but it’s on the mend.
Glad to hear your husband is back home Valerie @Valerie - hope he recovers fully soon.
Welcome back Georgina @GeorginaCrawfordArt and Sue @SueTrevor - your work has been missed.
Struggling to stay in one place and rest my foot - a day on the sofa is what I dream of when I’m rushing around but when enforced its not so much fun. Will have to search for a good film and get on with my knitting this afternoon.
Link to Meryl’s pretty mugs
And welcome to the thread Meryl @PersephonesPrints1, you have lovely things in your shop
Happy May everyone
Yeah the sales fairy has been this morning . Please can you put me down for 2 sales please @MaxPringJewellery
Lovely bowl @TurtlesRetreat so lovely and shiny. Also loving your cushions @valerie
A pair of colourful beaded fringe earrings from me today
welcome back Sue @SueTrevor , Carol @Knittingtopia and Georgine @GeorginaCrawfordArt and welcome to all the newbies…
Hope I haven’t forgotten anyone…apologies if I have.
Just back from our daily walk…hard going on these hills…glad to be back and sitting down again…
Now to paint…
Happy 1st May and thank you Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for last month and to Max @MaxPringJewellery for this month. You both work so hard and it is very much appreciated.
Hope you are managing to enjoy sofa time Roz @OrchardFelts
Your monochrome is stunning Georgina @GeorginaCrawfordArt
A new one
Afternoon from a very wet and chilly Devon.
Thanks for looking after us last month Natalie, and thanks Max for taking over this month.
Hope your husband is doing well Valerie @valerie good to see you back.
My internet is so bad I can’t load new pictures at the moment, so I am relisting a sold out item, and will update pics when I can.
Stud earrings
Here’s the wee boy and yes he found his birthday present and had to have a little go. I’m pleased to say he loves it
Good afternoon all and happy May the 1st Apologies for disappearing last month, the universe and a whole load of adulting and wrangling with the DWP meant I had little time to be on social media Fingers crossed things have settled down a bit now and I have some new goodies for this month so I hope its ok to join back in
Just a relist for today as I need to edit loads of photos of my new goodies before I can list any.
Hope everyone is well and hugs to all who need one xxx
Thank you
Thank you
Hi everyone
Happy may bank holiday
Well the north east hasn’t got sunshine today…it’s raining
Just loved the last few on Aprils listings
Lovely to see you back val @valerie hope your hubby keeps improving …look after yourself too xxx
Hi sue @SueTrevor hope you are feeling refreshed and motivated! …especially after the sale
Hi carol @Knittingtopia lovely pic xx
Hi Sharon @OhhhWhatAYarn looking forward to seeing your new things xx
Mel @aquilacrafts hope you have a good browse xx
Sorry about the fair Jenny @PolarstarPottery …it’s so disheartening xx
Pleased your foot is getting better Georgina @GeorginaCrawfordArt xx
Hope you manage to rest the ankle roz @OrchardFelts xx
I’m struggling to have my nap this afternoon as I’ve not done a walk, so I feel I haven’t done enough to deserve it!!
And so the battle continues! I know I should still have a nap , but I feel so terrible I don’t think I’ll get to sleep!
But at the same time I’m meant to ‘ride’ with these feelings and not act on them and the idea is they should become more bearable and you more or less get used to tHem and they loose their power. It’s the same process with the eating…both as horrendous as each other!!
Anyhoo billy just give me a good talking to and reminded me of the reality!
Another relist …sorry
Oops nearly forgot the important stuff
Max @MaxPringJewellery and Natalie @NOfkantsCurios
THANK YOU IN EQUAL MEASURES!! Very much appreciated