Folksy 365 - Daily Listing Challenge Promotion Thread - January 2022

Happy New Year Everyone! I’m a bit tired today….one too many eggnogs me thinks :joy::joy: I wish you all good health and joy for 2022. I have my flower painting today I’ve called, ‘Blessed With A Wildflower Heart’. I’m off for more eggnog now :joy::joy:


A Happy New month and New Year everyone, let’s hope it’s going to be better than 2020 and 2021 have been. Thank you Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for dancing so well for us last month and to Max @MaxPringJewellery for picking up the shoes for this month.
We are watching a series on Netflix called Travellers and a few of the episodes are dealing with a mysterious epidemic which is similar to SARS that is travelling around the world. The series was made several years ago before this pandemic so it seemed a bit spooky when it started. Perhaps the government need to search out all of the people who have come here from the future who is seems are spreading it around.
Hope you are soon feeling much better Max @MaxPringJewellery and it was good for you to get some idea of what you are facing for the future.
Glad you had a good time at the wedding Roz @OrchardFelts
Well done on your milestone Caroline @Caroleecrafts
I went to bed last night and didn’t wake up at all when the fireworks went off at midnight, Brian said there were lots of them and there were some really loud ones too.

Today I have a new listing for a beaded bracelet, or anklet


Happy new year everyone! In case you’re feeling a bit rubbish today, I’m posting these to capture the mood!


Happy New Year one and all.
Congrats Caroline @Caroleecrafts on your milestone.
Glad things went ok yesterday for you Max, hope your feeling better today.
Hugs for all those under the weather.
A relist from me and now back to my guests.


They say it is a good sign if you react to the jab, it means your immune system is fighting it which is good. Hope you feel better soon.


HAPPY NEW YEAR all you 365ers! We didn’t see it in. There are real advantages to profound deafness on occasion. There will have been multiple fireworks and also ships’ hooters from Teesport, but I stayed blissfully asleep.
Thank you for last month, Natalie @NOfkantsCurios and Max @MaxPringJewellery for this.
I’m starting with a relist today: T-shirt with ladybirds


Happy New Year everyone. We had my daughter and her partner pop round last night which was a lovely surprise.
Thank you Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for running it last month.
Thank you Max @MaxPringJewellery for doing it this month.


Good morning, everyone and a very happy New Year to you :slight_smile: A big thank you to Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for hosting last month and to Max @MaxPringJewellery for taking the reins this month. Hope this year will be kinder to us all.
A relist of a pack of 4 handdrawn Snowdrop greeting cards. Will pop back later to catch up.



Hi everyone I’m back again with CfTT.
I forgot to say that I hope you feel better soon Sue @SueTrevor

I actually have a new listing today, a long sleeved bolero for a baby girl


Happy New Year!

Thank you @NOfkantsCurios for taking us through December and to @MaxPringJewellery for January - hope you feel back to normal soon and get some more answers.

Hope you feel better soon too @SueTrevor - I just heard yesterday that my normally incredibly active cousin is in hospital with a rare syndrome she developed after her booster and can’t walk. My mother didn’t have too many details as had gotten the info from my aunt who is well into her 90s. I looked it up and reckon she must have Guillain-Barré Syndrome which looks pretty serous and recovery appear to take up to a year - not good for someone with a full time job, a small holding and a half built bale house!

Was like a war zone here last night as well with the fireworks, lots of big houses in the area had displays and I think the beach also attracts people with fireworks left over from bonfire night and a lot of them held back then as was too soon after the big gas explosion. Feel sorry for any pets, refugees and PTSD sufferers!

Here’s a new one for the new year.


I hope your cousin is OK @feelfeltfound
Get well soon Sue @SueTrevor
Well done on your milestone Caroline @Caroleecrafts


Congratulations Caroline thats fab news :slight_smile: xxx


Well done, it’s a great achievement! Particularly as I think they’ve compressed the sales down to reflect the same as orders - that’s what I took from the change anyway. .


Hello! And Happy New Year! I’m a complete novice at Folksy - but new year and new me - just got a few items in my shop but here’s one - I just love this fabric :heart_eyes:


Had another bout of gastritis and been laid up for a while. Got some knitting done though. Was feeling really cold so I knitted a bunch of hats! This is my favourite colour, a deep ruby red/wine:


Happy new year all.
Was thinking of taking this month off the thread, but have decided to list some sale items instead.
20% off amethyst necklace

Hope you feel better today @SueTrevor
Glad you got some answers Max and that the tests weren’t too awful @MaxPringJewellery
Glad the wedding was enjoyable Roz @OrchardFelts


Happy new year everyone !!:heart::tada::tada::confetti_ball:
Thanks Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for last month and thanks to you max @MaxPringJewellery for this month ….both of you are greatly appreciated xxx


Happy New Year
Just switched on my computer and the first email of 2022 was the Folksy Bill
Busy making bee cushions



Hope you’ll soon be feeling better, Sue @SueTrevor
Congrats on the sales milestone, Caroline @Caroleecrafts
Oh no, Mandy @feelfeltfound . I hope your cousin will be OK.
Wish you better, Patricia @knitr
All loved up to here :slight_smile:


Thanks for looking after us last month Natalie @NOfkantsCurios and thanks to Max @MaxPringJewellery for taking us on for this month.
Can you please put me down for one sale Max @MaxPringJewellery,
Congratulations on your milestone Caroline @Caroleecrafts.
Welcome Alison @BlueCatMumDesigns.
Still bringing out items I’ve had hidden for a while