Folksy 365 - Daily Listing Challenge Promotion Thread - January 2022

Happy New Year everyone and welcome Alison @BlueCatMumDesigns .
No sun here yet but it stopped raining long enough to do some pruning.
Thanks as always Natalie @NOfkantsCurios and Max @MaxPringJewellery for running the threads.
Glad the wedding went well Roz @OrchardFelts & well done Caroline @Caroleecrafts , never mind what level everyone else is at, that’s a feather in your cap so own it :clap: :partying_face:
I’m so glad to see the cost of post isn’t going up yet, I got caught out with that last year!


Eveing all, congrats Francis @thatenamelguy on your sale happy dancing for you :man_dancing:t3: and congrats to you too Caroline @Caroleecrafts on your milestone :tada:

Lovely to see you all new and regulars :slight_smile: :wave:t3:


Well done for being the first this year Francis :man_dancing: :man_dancing: :clap:


Happy new year

Hope you feel less sore tomorrow max @MaxPringJewellery and you get some more answers

Thanks too for taking on the thread again and thank you Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for last month

Congrats on milestone Caroline @Caroleecrafts

Glad wedding went well Roz @OrchardFelts

Lots of fireworks last night. Seemed to be a lot of really loud bangers instead of pretty rockets!

Had visitors but will post asap

Enjoy and we’ll do e on the sale Frances @thatenamelguy

Carol xx


Love your badger print!


Here’s another relist not seen here before.



Morning all.

Loads of fireworks must have been left over from the night before as going off yesterday afternoon.

A relist today

Glasses case


Happy New Year. Sorry I missed yesterday, didn’t get in until 3am after my shift in my local pub - sometimes I think I’m getting too old for all this work thing :grin:.

Congratulations @Caroleecrafts on 200 sales.
@feelfeltfound I hope everything is OK for your cousin & that it isn’t as bad as it sounds :kissing_heart:.
@knitr hope you are feeling better. Just love the colour of that hat.

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.


Good morning all, so flippin fed up of the rain now I want some dry weather, I feel like a hermit not been out for a walk for days :roll_eyes: another quiet day here, though daughter and grandchildren might pop down later today which will be lovely as I’ve not seen them since boxing day, other than that got a few orders to make from over t’other side and some admin :slight_smile:

Hope your cousin is okay Mandy @feelfeltfound and recovers from the side effects

Hope you all have a nice gentle day xx



Welcome to the newbies here, great to see your lovely makes… another seaglass card from me today…


Oh Maxine @MaxPringJewellery, you should have asked Santa for some waterproofs! Love walking in the rain when you stay dry inside - mind you, yesterday I lent mine to my daughter as she had to drive home afterwards and had no change of clothes so I had a bit of a soggy walk!
Congrats Caroline @Caroleecrafts on your milestone.
Spent most of yesterday breaking my NY resolutions and hoovering up all the biscuits, chocolates, mince pies etc - cant bring myself to throw them in the bin so feel I’ve got to eat them to remove them from temptation … doesn’t quite work but once they are gone I can be good!
My listing today is another scarf


and I will. add a relist from my sale if that’s OK


Have a good day



I hope you’re all doing ok.
Everything is loved and tweeted.

It’s a relist today of a one-off card. Poor Morag is a bit miffed at the arrival of campers in her field :flushed:

Have a good day, guys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for all the congratulations, I am happy to achieved the 200, target for 2022 another 50.

Anyone who is feeling poorly whether from a jab or other reason s a big hug and hope you feel better soon.

I cannot wait for our new mattress to arrive on Wednesday, wake up with more aches and pains each day. DH makes the biggest fuss, MEN!

Just finished my bespoke card order for my old school friend, all packaged up, walk to the post box later.


Good morning everyone. We finally had some sunshine yesterday and got out into the garden. Got my bulbs in, and had a general tidy up. Good for the soul.

Hugs to anyone struggling with positive tests, missing families, just anything really. I find it a difficult time of year and would like to thank you for the support in last month’s thread.

Afraid this is a relist :slight_smile:


Good morning all and happy ermm Sunday, I am still totally lost with the days at the moment :smiley:
Sending big hugs to everyone who is poorly at the moment :slight_smile:
Mine for today is another restock of a headband this time in autumn colours.

Have a lovely day all and stay safe :slight_smile: xxx

autumn headband


Good morning all…dry but dull here. ( sounds like me…)
Roz @OrchardFelts that really made me laugh…why is it that we cram food into our mouths to get rid of it so that it won’t tempt us…and we eat it as quickly as we can so that it is no longer visible…I bought boxes and boxes of cakes and biscuits for the family and they went out every day to restaurants…now I have mountains of stuff looking at me. Technically it could last for months, but if I eat it quickly then it won’t be there looking at me …right ???..Kelly is back to work on Tuesday and then I can get back to my boring but happy routine
Today I have an aceo


Morning everyone,
Congratulations on your 200 sales Caroline @Caroleecrafts
Hope everyone feeling poorly feels better soon.
I’m another one trying to start eating more healthily again but unable to let all the goodies go to waste and on top of that I’m now going to make myself a birthday cake for today so maybe next week :slight_smile:


Morning all.
Happy birthday Lorraine @LilacDaisy enjoy your cake.
I’m another in the same boat, trying really hard to get back onto my keto diet, being really good all day then husband finds another box of biscuits chocs or cake and I don’t want to miss out, so scoff with him.
Quite Looking forward to getting back to some normality next week.
Back with a listing shortly.


Happy birthday Lorraine - hope you have a lovely day.

Off to in-laws for lunch today, yesterday’s beach walk turned into an inland one as the beach car park was full to the brim when we got there. I should have known really!

It’s another velvet zip pouch from me today


Good Morning All. Tis lovely here in Aberdeen at the moment. We’ve had blue skies for two days! Best wishes to all…I’ve loved and pinned/tweeted to here.

Here’s my painting of an icy mountain top.